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Harper & Brothers, Publishers.

HARPER'S CATALOGUE and TRADE-LIST may be obtained gratuitously, on application to the Publishers personally, or by letter, enclosing Five Cents.

Franklin Square, New York,
[[underlined]] March 21st 1866 [/underlined]]

"Friend" Kimball,
Your kind letter of 19th, for the [[underlined]] introduction [[/underlined]] to which you have my heartiest thanks, is just at hand.

I sincerely trust that when our relations as Superintendent and book-agent have ceased, - the [[underlined]] "friendly" [[/underlined]] may continue and become much warmer. -

The "Reader" question is more certain of [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]] consideration in your hands than it could be if agitated by [[underlined]] agency [[/underlined]] work, and I shall therefore accept your advice and wait the result of your next meeting.

Remember me kindly to Dr Reyburn, Mr Newton and such other, of my acquaintances among the good people of the Freedmen's Associations as I may have met at your office.  The [[underlined]] uniform [[/underlined]] courtesy extended to me has left grateful remembrances of my communion with them. -

Truly thy friend
[[signature]] Geo. W. Cooper [[/signature]]