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Last year the Universalists of Oxford county in this State, aided by a few others, raised mainly through the personal efforts of Br. Snow of Auburn, $150,00 toward defraying the expenses of sending a teacher to aid in instructing the freed blacks South, in the elements of education. Miss JULIA C. CHASE of Livermore, as many of our readers will recollect, was selected to fill that place. Under the direction of Mr. D.S. KING of Boston, agent for the Maine State Freedmen's Association, she was sent to Washington and placed in charge of a large school, where she remained till the summer vacations occurred. From all the accounts we have received she proved a most successful teacher. Her heart was in her work. She sympathized with the efforts of those poor blacks - born and reared amid the blighting and crushing influences of slavery, for education, and gave them her best efforts. The consequence was, they entertained a strong personal regard for her and have much desired her return. The following letter, just received from Mr. King, will show that there is a prospect of her returning.

EDITOR OF THE BANNER: - The Superintendent of schools at Washington has invited Miss Julia C. Chase to return to the school which she had last winter. She has been restored to good health and is willing to return Presuming that your denomination in Maine would be happy to have her return, I authorized her to answer that in all probability she would be in Washington by the first of December.

I hope this will meet your approbation personally and be in accordance with the good pleasure of your church people. The expenses for the past have been met. It will take at least $50 per month to support her in Washington, say $350 to the first of July. I designed to make a little plea in the matter but I am unable in consequence of ill health. Will you please to say what you think proper in the BANNER, by way of encouragement? - I should like to have something said without delay. It is two weeks since I told Miss Chase that I would attend to the matter.  I thought that we could not wait to make a formal business of it. The money collected may be sent to Hon. N.G. Hichborn, Treasurer of Maine Association.

I would not have taken so much responsibility in relation to any other person. But I am fully sure that your people wish to support Miss Chase as their teacher. If I do no get a remonstrance I shall let her go. * * * I shall go to my work in Maine, as soon as my physician thinks proper
Your friend, 

We have the assurance of Mr. King that if our denomination will raise $150 toward the payment of Miss Chase's services, he will be responsible for the remainder. This can easily be accomplished if the pastors of our several churches will take the matter in hand and gather collections for the purpose named.  Will not Brs. BOLLES, BATTLES, SNOW, STEERE, FLETCHER, MOOR, GUNNISON, GAINES, DREW, HARRIS, THOMPSON, FRENCH, HODSDON, (the present pastor in Be fast) JOHNSON, SMITH, MAGWIRE, FOWLER, LANSING, PHILBROOK, RECORD, STEVENS and so on to the end of our list of preachers, name the subject to their several congregations on some pleasant Sabbath, take collections and send to Br. HICHBORN, as suggested above. An Average of $10 from each congregation will be all sufficient to answer the demand upon us. This is the merest trifle when we consider what is being accomplished by other denominations. We will be responsible for our proportion.