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are now stopping is more German than French, more Protestant than Catholic.  The influence of the Reformation is still rife [[?]].  The words of Martin Luther which [[have?]] here called "a battle against Catholicism," have not been forgotten.  The ground here [[whereon?]] he trod is regarded sacred.  All [[?]] to render this truth emphatic, that a [[humble?]] and earnest life never dies.

Strausburg is the native place of Guttenburg, the discoverer of the art of printing. [[?]] have just been to visit his statue in the [[square?]], which is said the be a perfect likeness [[of?]] him. From this we would judge that he [[possessed?]] brains and body enough to be the [father?]] of [[??]] art.

The great Cathedral here is a master-piece [[of?]] architecture. It is built of hewn marble, with such precision as to give it, at a [[distance?]], a resemblance to lace. In it there [[is?]] a remarkable clock. It is a complete [[astronomical?]] almanac, pointing out the time and length of the day in different parts of the [[earth?]]; where the eclipses of the sun and moon [[take?]] place, what the changes of the moon are, and many other chronological facts. The first [[quarter?]] of each hour is struck by a structure [[representing?]] childhood, the next by a youth, the next by manhood, and the hours by old [[?]].  In the crypt of a church close by the cathedral, we saw the petrified remains of a [[person?]] who died in the 13th century. The form features are quite perfectly preserved. The art by which this was done, is now lost. So it is, the old passes away, but the new being continually born. The last is superior to the first. Out of the ruins the mosses and ferns spring plants and flowers. Out of [[tyranny?]] has grown freedom. From the past may take hope, and be led to believe that [[?]] in the future will be in a far better condition than she is in at the present time.
I am, yours truly, 

[For the Gospel Banner.]
Journeying Toward the Setting Sun.
On a recent journey to the West, amid [[lovely?]] scenery tinted with the hues of golden [[autumn?]], and over the wide spread prairies I was [[impressed?]] with the extent and magnitude of [[our/]] dear country; its resources, and the wonderful progress that is being made in every department of industry, science, art, education, and above all, in religion.

To those who live on the Atlantic slope, [[employing?]] all the advantages of old and settled communities, the West is regarded as a new and undeveloped country, where time will be required to enable its people to compete with the East, and that New England is, and will continue to be, the head and brain of the [[country?]]. But we find there great cities [[numbering?]] their inhabitants by hundreds of thousands, [[with?]] churches, schools, manufactories and all machinery that make up the resources of enterprising and independent people.- 

Transcription Notes:
This has been clipped so that part of the words are cut off.