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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Washington  Aug 2nd 1866

Col. W. W. Rogers
A. A. G. B.R.F & A L.

I have the honor to report to you the following facts deduced after careful investigation:

It appears that on or about the first of July a Mrs Lee (colored) residing south side of G bet 21st & 22nd Sts, obtained permission from Supt. Kimball to use the building Cor 24th & F Sts for the purpose of holding meetings and also for a Sabbath School.

Mrs. Lee has at sundry times offered one of the rooms in said building for rent. A Mrs Simons residing at 450 12th St bet G & H testifies that Mrs Lee offered her the room at a rent of $5.00 per month. It further appears that on the 23rd of July Mrs Lee hired one Charles Brown, carpenter residing at 227 22nd St bet G & H to take down a certain partition in