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The school in the Union Wesley church was first opened on the 2nd day of May 1864. — The teachers in charge were Miss England and myself. We brought nothing to the work but earnest hearts, and willing hands, neither of us having had previous experience as teachers. There being then but few schools of the kind in the city, (in fact I know of but one, that east of the capitol in charge of Misses Perkin's & Brown,) admission was refused to [[underlined]] none, [[/underlined]] but the door's were wide opened to all applicants for knowledge. — In consequence, before the close of the first week, over one hundred names were registered on our roll. The school continued increasing during the Summer, and on reopening it in the Autumn, after a short vacation, we added to our corps of teachers Miss Annie Wilson. — During the Winter following we had frequently present one hundred and eighty children, and