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Washington. DC august 16 1866

Major [[?]] O. O Howard

Sir I am about to open my School down in maryland whare i am raiseing a church for the colored people 5 miles Below Bladensburge in the people is verry Poor and are unable To raise books and they are defecient of them Being they Have just Begun To make a liveing for themselves And i call on you To please furnish me With some Books Such as Spelling Books Those are wich we Stand most in need of at present i intend to commence on Sunday at 3. O clock i Have a house all ready and i Have Twenty Schollars Every thing looks very prosperous Hear and i believe a greate deal of good can Be don Hear for the children is very ancious for Education and i would like To Have those Books to cary along with me on To morrow Eveing and when i Return Back i will make my report To you  yours most Respectfuly
William Goodridge Local preacher of the A. M. E church washington
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Mrs. Shaw's place on Anapolis road.
4 miles below Bladensburg.
Thomas Harrod rents the place.