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National Farm School
Washington.D.C. Dec 18th 1866
Major O. O. Howard
Dear ^[[Sir]] pardon me for troubling you again, but a very dear friend of mine a white young lady a resident of Oberlin, Ohio has written me to try to get her a situation Copyist, Accountant or something of the kind in the freedman's bureau. Be a thing or any other work that she can do in connection with them that will not require constant standing, she is highly qualifide having taken a Collegiate course, she was preparing to go as missionary to Africa but in consequence of a recent accident to her right foot has been oblige to abandon the intention and now desires to work for the freedman, references if required from the Professers of Oberlin College. Should you know of any thing that you think will do. you will greatly offer by letting me know.
Yours very respectfully
Mary ^[["and" symbol]] Miles
Miss Amelia Waters[[?]] is the name of the Teacher.