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Point Pleasant West Virginia
October 1st 1867

Genl C. H. Howard,

Dr Sir, I am sorry to say we have not made much progress in building a School house for the Col^d people in this place.  Our Board of Education found a Suitable lot to build upon and were about to get a deed for it, but the Methodist friends Blk & White together, steped in ahead of us, & got the lot deeded to the M.E. Church.  Since that time we have been trying to find another lot, but as yet have found none to suit us.  We now have one in contemplation, if we get it we will proceed at once to build, but we cannot have the house completed by the last of this month as proposed by you, in order to get the two hundred collars from your Bureau.  Can you extend the time a little?  We would like to have the two hundred dollars.

One of our Methodist friends who wants to mix up the School House with a church, has written, so will write to you on the subject.  I hope you will not give him encouragement.  I do not think we had better mix up to much.

We offered to build a School House and let the Col^d people Worship in it when not used for School but that would not do, they must have the lot deeded to