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Regarding the prices of our books as compared with those of Messrs A.S. Barnes & Co., we give below the cost of our Readers, regular Series, and those of Barnes, as given us a few days ago by a dealer of whom we purchased a set of their books:

            Wilson  Parker & Watson
            ______  _______________

1st Reader.   .40         .40
2d    "       .60         .65
3d    "       .90        1.00
4th   "      1.35        1.50
5th   "      1.80        2.00
[[ditto for Reader.]]

We believe Messrs. Barnes have a Wholesale List (from which they again make a discount) on which the prices are 25% less than above. They [[underline]] may [[/underline]], by twice discounting, finally undersell [[underline]] our [[/underline]] prices: the above figures, however, are the actual retail prices of the  [[?]] series.

We would also state that our series give considerably more matter, for the same amount of money, than the other. We do not wish, however, to deprecate any other Series of Readers, being [[?]] to claim for our own, in addition to the characteristics of others, the feature, peculiar to itself, of combining a treatment of the Natural Sciences with correct elocutionary principles.

Hoping to again hear from you, we remain,

Very Respectfully,
Harper & Brothers,
[[signature]] Jm Habberton [[/signature]]