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^[[Large smudge in top left corner]] MATTERS.
^[[smudge]] d People.—In the House of ^[[smudge]] Mr. Morgan of St. Mary's ^[[smudge]] ollowing bill to take effect ^[[smudge]] it enacted, &c.  Section 1. ^[[smudge]] retofore made and cele-
^[[smudge]] by and between colored people ^[[smudge]] confirmed and made valid, to any intent and purpose, from the time of the celebration of such marriages, respectively, and every such marriage shall be held and taken by all courts of this State to be good and sufficient in law, to all intents and purposes; provided that in every case, the parties claiming to have been married by a competent person shall, by sufficient proof, before some justice of the peace, establish the fact of having been so married, a certificate of which shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which said marriage was celebrated, or the court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, to be preserved with the register of marriage licenses in the office of said clerk.

Section 2. That in all marriages hereafter celebrated between colored persons, the parties, or some one in their behalf, shall present to the clergyman solemnizing the rights of a marriage a license, as required in other cases of marriage; and every such clergyman is hereby prohibited from solemnizing such marriage without the production of such license.