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I wish we might be together in a large school. Sir Mr Kimball I don't like to trouble you with this remembering how very busy and how many times you are obliged to say "no" to just such applications but we are "terribly in earnest" and shall receive a negative answer kindly if need be we must remain separated.
For myself The good people of my own town have invited me to go to W and teach for them. They furnishing the needed funds or rather they leave me to decide where I will go. Now I do not forget the call for teachers in the localities, but as I shall remain only a year would rather go where I am acquainted and do not believe the choice entirely selfish. There are "hords" of children who do not attend school for want of a suffficient number to accommodate them. I would like to establish one for their benefit. [[underlined]] if you think of no better plan [/underlined]]. Will the Bureau furnish needed outfit. My people meet [[underlined]] my ]/underlined]] expenses