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it will accommodate about 100- women, with a Kitchen and mess room capable of supplying food for at least 100- more.

Fire houses formerly occupied by families of Employees have been fitted up to accommodate infirm imbecile and insane men.

Other buildings are being repaired with a view to the better warmth and comfort of the inmates during the coming winter.

On the 4th of September Mrs L. J. Stull, Matron, was releived by Miss Eliza Heacock, appointed by Major General O. O. Howard, Agent for the Bureau. Under Mrs Stulls Matronage there was much disaffection among the people, and a constant clamor for more clothing. at present no complain is heard. By reference to the report of "Industrial School" the number and kind of garments and articles manufactured, there appears to be an increase of more than two fold in the amount of labor performed in the School since July.

On the 1' of October W. H. H. Fithien Agent and Clerk was releived by Edward Hennessey Agent and Clerk, and on the 17' of October, Lieut P. P. Bergevine A.A.Q.M. and Asst Supt. was releived by J. C. O'Neal Agent and Asst Supt. So many changes retard temporarily the administration of affairs of the Village, but doubtless all will

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