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Balt. 10th mo. 2nd 1864

John Kimball,
Esteemed Friend:

Thine of the 18th is at hand, and I regret very much to inform thee that in consequence of the withdrawal of many of our teachers by the Associations at the North, and our inability to raise money in Maryland, we will be unable to send a teacher to Oxen Run at present. We are making great efforts to increase our funds, and should they prove successful we will be pleased to supply your wants.

I am sorry to learn from our teacher at St. Joseph's- now called Mount Pleasant- that the house is in the same condition it was when I last saw it. Will thee please have it attended to also the house adjoining, in which the teachers board, both of which are untenantable, and unless something is done to make them comfortable, they will necessarily have to be abandoned, a circumstance which I would regret, as the people a very poor and ignorant. It will require about 10,000 laths; 40 bushels of lime; 6 bushels of Hair, & 1 Keg of lathing nails. The desks are very inferior. Can you not furnish them with new ones. You can instruct me to purchase and forward the material necessary or you can forward the things yourself [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]]

Respectfully thy friend
[[signature]] R M Janney [[/signature]]