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Baltimore Association
For the Moral & Educational Improvement of the Colored People, N.W. Cor. Saratoga & Courtland Sts. [/stamp]]

Balt 12th mo. 21st. 1867

John Kimball, 
Esteemed Friend: - Thine of the 18th is at hand. In reply I must inform thee that the lady for Brighton has been employed by me, and has rented her house and will open school the first of the year. She has a family and can not be removed.
The teacher for Blue Marsh was promised by a lady from Philadelphia, and have no doubt, if informed of the readiness of the people to receive her - would be sent. But, if thee has more teachers than thee can dispose of otherwise, it is for thee to determine in reference to Blue Marsh.
I think a school house without desks is not of much account. I am,

Very respectfully
Thy friend
R.M. Janney