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of bringing the lumber from below very great. The beginning of the present [[inserted]] month [[/inserted]] was the most favorable time to build, and [inserted]] all the preliminaries [[/inserted]] were to be done in two or three weeks. Hence I have been very busy till this time. I was sensible of the necessity of writing you, & had set apart a day the first part of this week for the purpose. The schools I was unable to visit in October, so as to learn details; and I wished to write some results which I had accomplished.

In passing, I would remark that my health is now good, having passed through the acclimating process. 

I will now give you a brief report of the state of things here, and of what I have done. You will remember that, in the month of September, I visited all the Boards of Education hereabouts, some of them several times; / / I got several subscriptions from the freedmen, for school-houses, and visited the schools. But the result was, in respect to the Boards of Education, that for various real & alleged reasons, they would do nothing this year. Since then I have been persevering in endeavoring to dispose them favorably to the project, by personal & by outside influences. One of the chief difficulties is getting them to do anything.