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County of Washington DC
January 21st 1867

John Kimball Esq
Supt. of Schools.

The following statement answers all the questions propounded by you in your Communication of the 15th , and which would have been furnished some had not your letter hung in the Post Office several days on account of being directed to W.H Heltberger instead of C.H. I got it finally by assurances that if not for me it should be returned immediately!

The assessment of 1866 I found in one of the City papers, it is not Official, but believed to be correct. The Clerk of the Levy. Court can give the amount officially. No assessments however been furnished to the Boards of Commissioner of Schools as directed to be by Act of Congress June 25 1864. Sec 7

But to the Statement

Ques. 1. Answer. The last assessment in the seven School Districts for the year 1866 was $5,515,287.00

" [[ditto for Ques.]] 2. Answer. The amount of taxes reported received for School purposes from the 1st of July 1864 to 1st Jany 1867  19,400.05

" [[ditto for Ques.]] 3. Answer. The amount reported received for fines under Act of Congress June 25 1864 from 1st July 1864 to 1st January 1867  4454.18

  Amount borrowed of Riggs & Co   neat  2,448.75

  Amount received from Treasurer U States under Act of Congress July 28, 1866   7,173.46

" [[ditto for Ques.]] 4. Answer. The amount expended for the building and

" [[ditto for Ques.]] 4. Answer.