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renting of houses and support of Schools for white children from the 1st July 1864 to 1st January 1867   $25.309.48

Ques. 5. Answer. The amount expended for the building and renting of homes and support of Schools for Colored children from the 18th May 1865 to 1st January 1867   7,340.83

Ques. 6. Answer. The last Census shows the number of white children in the seven School Districts, between the ages of 5 and 20 years to be   1205
And of Colored same age   574
This gives a ratio of 32.26 for the Colored Schools and has been the rule of the Board of Commissioners in making the dividends.

Ques. 7. Answer. The Board of School Commissioners had no Colorado Schools under their Jurisdiction prior to the 18th May 1865. They now have five Colored and eight White and intend to increase them as fast as required and the funds will justify it. Uncle Sam gave us a sure lift that Session and I hope he will do something this Session to put us on a sure foundation. You observe we got on the borrowing list and had it not been for the generosity of Mr Riggs at that time the Schools would have stopped for want of means. I never shall forget his manner and answer when I stated to him the plight we were in "The Schools shall not stop. I will pass $2500 to your Credit," and so he did and we went on our way rejoicing

Very Respectfully
(Signed) C. H. Wiltberger

P.S. If you have a printed Report of your Schools please send me one.
(sgd) C H W


Wm. H. Rogers