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Office Asst.Supt. Marriages
Washington DC
May 22th 1867

Rev John Kimball
Supt Marriages &c


I have the honor to report to you the following houses, situated in the following localities against which I have attained complaints, of a legal number of householders, charging that said houses are kept for the purposes of public prostitution, I have reported the said houses to Major Richards, Chief of Police, who has promised to do all he can in the matter. I submit this report to you, hoping that you will call on him, and urge him to immediate action in the matter as the parties making the said complaints will become very impatient at what seems to them unnecessary delay. The alive houses are of the very worst character and ought not in the least to ^[be] tolerated or countenanced in society. White and black are blended together in these dens of vileness,