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Romney, Hamp. Co. West Va.
Septemr. 28th 1867.

John Kimball Esqr.

Dear Sir,
The plan of a School-house 32 x 20 was duly received, & the best bid we could get to erect it is [[underlined]] 450$ [[/underlined]] for the carpenters work, including furnishing the lumber:  looking for the Board of Education of this (Romney) township to pay abt.  [[underlined]] 100$ [[/underlined]] more for stone foundation, chimney &c. another [[underlined]] 100$ [[/underlined]] for plaistering, & other material, & say [[underlined]] 140$ [[/underlined]] more for seats, desks, & material for furniture.

We have also a proposal to take [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] windows length, of the one story part of the foundry-building you saw, while here, say 28 x 23 & putting it up, on our purchased lot, without altering the length of the timber, - then adding what new timber is necessary, & completing the Carpenters work for  [[underlined]] 310$ [[/underlined]]:  leaving the Board of Education to add the other expenses of foundation, plaistering & furniture, as above, as best they can.

Now to meet either of these above demands, we have only a fraction over [[underlined]] 186$ [[/underlined]] due the Colored people (60 in number)  [[underlined]] 50$ [[/underlined]] of which is already appropriated for the lot to build on, & will likely be paid over to day.  We have school-fund enough in Treasurers hands, to pay Teachers for both Colored & white, but not Buildg-fund.  All we need is, enugh added to the [[underlined]] $136 [[/underlined]], to go on with the house.  The [[m?]] of our districts, (the whites) have to put up with [[underlined]] 25 [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] 50 [[/underlined]]$ for rent, as the maximum which they can draw from