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[[Strikethrough]]GS/- | 1-12-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Sold[[circle]]S[[/circle]]
[[Strikethrough]]G/-/- | 2-2-0 [[/strikethrough]] | D Fisher
[[Strikethrough]]GX/- | 1-0-0 [[/strikethrough]] | Sold [[circle]]S[[/circle]]
T/- | 16-6
[[Strikethrough]]T/- | 17-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Sold [[circle]] S [[/circle]]
[[Strikethrough]]GX/- | 3-10-8 [[/strikethrough]] | Fry.
[[Strikethrough]]N/- | 1-4-6  | Curious action ring trigger pulling up & releasing hammer underneath.[[/strikethrough]]Hendershott [[Strikethrough]]I/- | 18-6 | Curious action ring trigger pulling up & releasing hammer underneath[[/strikethrough]] | Sold [[circle]] E
--  | 16-6 | Curious action 
-- | [[strikethrough]]1-6-0[[/strikethrough]] ^[[ 1-17-6 ]] | Curious action  Ellis
-- | [[Strikethrough]] 10-6 [[/strikethrough]]   Ellis
-- | [[Strikethrough]] 7-6 [[/strikethrough]] | [[circle]] S [[/circle]]
[[Strikethrough]]GA/- | 1-6-0 [[/strikethrough]] | Jones  [[circle]] 2 [[/circle]]
[[Strikethrough]]G/-/- | 1-15-0 | Reserved Fisher [[/strikethrough]] Fry
[[Strikethrough]]G/-/- | 1-12-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Hendershott
[[Strikethrough]]A/- | 11-0 [[/strikethrough]] Sold E
[[Strikethrough]]A/- | 16-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Jones
[[Strikethrough]]T/- | 10-0 [[/strikethrough]] | Waddington Hunt
[[Strikethrough]]I/S | 18-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Jessor Appo [[?]]
[[Strikethrough]]I/S | 19-6 [[/strikethrough]] | Waddington Hunt