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56.  From Fol 35.   MISCELLANY.   (Wheel-locks, CrossBows, Lock, &c)
No.   |   TYPE   |   LOCK   |      |   L.   |      |      | 

[[strikethrough]] 36621|Cross Bow| Top leaver. steel bow. back peep sight. well engraved. | THEO P RICHARDS. HIGH ST. | 31. | gun stock. finely chequerd grip. Bow 29". Multiple cord | Quoted to Cook & Ingalls. [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 36665 | Powder Flask. |cov'd leather & covered steel engvd. [[?]] & studs,steel nozzle, base pierced. |8 1/4 | a cut off. leather loop at back. Dia 6 1/4 | --[[/strikethrough]]

36832 | Wheel-lock. off an Arquebus| plain good make. working order & perfect |--| 11 3/4 | -- |-- | 

[[strikethrough]] 36864 | Cross Bow | Top leaver. steel bow. back peep sight. well engvd. | HARCOURT. IPSWICH. | --  | gun stock. chequered grip. steel mts multiple [[cord]]. |-- [[/strikethrough]]

[strikethrough]36942 | Scotch FL Pistol | with heart shaped butt. barell & stock inlaid silver |[[drawing]] |A \|/ M< | 10 | long belt hook. ball t. ramrod & pricker |-- [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 36798 | Match-lock. off a gun|perfect order cover to flash pan & also protector in front. |--| 6 3/4 | screw to match holder | --[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 37095 | FL. Pistol Rapier. |cannon barrel .4 3/4. horn grip. one edged blade. iron ^[[double]] shell guard. |--| 30 3/4 |-- | [[/strikethrough]]

37096 |FL. Pistol Hunting Sword |cannon barrel prooved. steel shell fluted guard one edged fluted blade. | stag horn grip fluted | 32. | steel pommel (cracked) | --

37097 |FL. Pistol Hunting Sword |cannon barrel steel shell & Knuchl. guard. Saw backed fluted blade. | fluted black horn hilt |27 3/4| -- | nice finish & condition.

[[strikethrough]] 37262 | Air Rifle. Brass Ball| F.L. action. outside main spring [[drawing]] [[underline]].32[[/underline]] bore rifle. | WILSON SHEFFIELD|47 1/4|shell pattern on stock [[underline]]See GUNS [[/underline]] silver fore sight. | good order. Early.[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 37547 | Scotch Powder Flask | Tortoise Carapace. bronze mts inscribed WILLIAM ANDERSON Surgeon_Edin" 1780| nice tone  Length 7" | [[/strikethrough]]

38191 | Wheel-lock | Engvd. perfect. | Probably German or Saxon make. | 8 1/2 | Late 17th Cent | Very thick plate

38501 | Air Pistol. | brass container. (Defective) | -- |-- | -- | --

[[strikethrough]] 38511 | Case Pair Air Guns. | -- | -- | -- | [[drawing]]| -- [/strikethrough]

[[strikethrough]] 38986 | Wheel-lock Dagg | stock restored. pitted surface | -- | 38 1/2 | inlaid small engvd. iron plates. r.r.|[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 38987| Snaphammer Pistol |fire lock. stock defective |--| -- |--|-- [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 39156 | Pair Wheel-lock Pistols. | silver mts with arms. rosewood stocks |-- | 21 | -- |-- [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 39335 |Pair Scotch FL Pistols. | silver stocks. rams horn butts | T. CADDELL. EDINBURGH | 13 1/4. |belt hooks ball trigger finely engvd. |--[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 39429 | Combined Wheel & Match Lock Gun. | dated 1569 [[Old English date]] on lock. | WESTRE NADAL ME FESCIT. 1559 | 36. |-- | --[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] 39900 | 4 barrel P.C. Pistol Pike. |--|--| --|--|--[[/strikethrough]]   

See Fol. 65.