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F L   Pairs (mostly) Silver Mt'd. [[Circle]] A [[/Circle]]

-- | Pair Silver mtd. crests on butts  W. NEWTON 12/12/3  |  6-6-0

--   | Pair Silver masks crests odd hammer   GRIFFIN GRANTHAM S 8 [[crossout]]14[[/crossout]] S |  4-0-0

--   | Pair Silver [[underline]]brass barrel[[/underline]](long) one h: missing  MORTIMER  [[English Pound]]14 |  6-10-0

37143| Pair Silver iron b. ts & butts  fine  COLOMBELL 12/14 |  2-0-0

--   | Pair Silver ts 1748  gold pair  WALKLATE S |  6-10-0

--   | Pair Silver ts.  brass b:  fine  one h missing  WILSON [[English pound]]12 S |  6-0-0

--   | Pair s: mask butt cannon screw off b. large [[underline]]r & l locks[[/underline]] (P) T. ANNELY BRISTOL 14/10/-  |  7-10-0

--   | Pair s: mask butt cannon screw off short stocks.  COLUMBELL & GRIFFIN  S/-/- |  4-0-0

--   | Pair s:mask butt brass cannon sscrew off b.  (p) MEARS [[English pound]]10 |  5-15-0

36304 |Single, silver mask & inlay brass lock & screw barrel (v.perfect) BUNNEY 6/6/- |  2-0-0

--   | Single, silver   iron cannon  (v.perfect)  J HIRST  4/15/. |  2-12-6

--   | Single, silver      (v.perfect)  HARRISON  3/15/. |  2-0-0

--   | Pair smaller. cannon b. brass silver butts & inlay   one h def.  KING 3/10/-

27354|Pair smaller cannon b. iron silver butts & inlay  good   KETLAND 5/5/- |  10-0

37820| Pair large s. mask butts brass cb. side lock  (p)  SANDERS  12/-/- |  5-6-6

36806| Pair small. cannon b. silver butts   one c pan mis  T SMITH  |  1-18-0

--   | Pair small plain b silver butts   CAIRNS FRERS S |  1-0-0

--   | Single  c.b. silver butts   good  T ARCHER |  1-7-6

--   | Single Large silver butt & t.g. inlaid stock   MORTIMER 10/10/- |  5-5-0
[[END PAGE A]]                                                                        736.06



--   |  Pair. Brass bell mouth Queen Anne. one restock in 18th Cent.  ED NICHOLSON |  5-10-0

--   |  Pair Silver butts. Queen Anne or earlier.   LA SPENCER [[English pound]] 15 |  7-0-0

--    | Pair steel mask butt chiselled  v. fine & perfect IAN KNOOR VTRECK [[English pound]] 22 |  8-10-0

--   |  Pair steel mask butt chiselled  v. fine & large MICHEL DELAHAYE & AMASTRICHT  [[Engish pound]] 21 |  6-0-0

35923 | Pair Brescian steel.   VICENZO COMINAZZO 25 |  6-6-0

--    | Pair chiselled butts & lock   A DOB  [[English pound]] 8 |  3-0-0

31031| Single  silver butt & t.g.  Queen Anne or earlier  W. ORNALL  [[English pound]] 10 |  4-10-0

--    | Single  silver butt & t.g.  Queen Anne or earlier  stock broken T GREON LONDON [[English pound]] 7 s |  3-10-0

--    | Pair Spanish  gilt & silver mts  v. fine order  BOXER 9/9/- |  3-10-0

30401 | Pair  flat chiselled butts   I. And. KUCHENREUTER 7/10/- |  3-10-0

29782 | Pair  Bronze Dogs & Dolphin heads  perfect  Paris |  2-5-0

--    | Pair Spanish steel mts.    perfect  7/15/- |  3-10-0

36620 | Pair Spanish  small  belt hooks  v. good    |  1-0-0

--    | Pair Large. gilt butt & t.g.  perfect  LONDON  [[English pound]] 6 |  2-10-0

--    | single  brass silver inlay   Italian or possibly Greek 4/7/6 |  1-5-0

30103 | single butt steel inlaid brass. See Field   stock inlaid  4/15/- |  2-0-0

--    | single silver t.g & butt.  good order. rifled at end  BOUTET  5/15 |  3-0-0
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