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[[Circle]] C [[/Circle]]  [[Underline]] Double [[/Underline]] Barrels & Pockets


--    | silver butt & T.g  2 locks gilt  fine & perfect  CANON TORDU [[English pounds]] 6 |  3-3-0

35902 | brass butt   good   MICHEL  |  2-5-0

--    | Pair  steel butt  barrels inlaid   GILNAY LIEGE [[English pound]] 4 |  3-0-0

--    | Pair. silver butts 2 ham. [[crossout]]sliding pan[[/crossout]] perfect  GRIFFIN & TOW [[English pound]] 10 |  5-0-0

--    | One cannon b. sliding pan cover. one ham. silver butt  GRIFFIN & TOW  8/8/- |  4-10-0

--    | Pair. side by side D. b. Pocket    (p)  TWIGG & BASS  |  3-15-0

39469 | Single D.B. D. b. Pocket      (poor0  TWIGGS & BASS  |  15-0

--    | Single DB side by side D.b. Pocket     (good)   BARBER |  1-5-0

40442 | Single DB U & O   with bayonet   WHITEHOUSE  2/12/6 |  1-12-6

--    | Pair DB U & O   (b?)  no name  |  1-15-0

--    | Pair DB U & O     (mint)  BENNETT |  2-10-0

40417,37818,29567,36563 }
36326,40440,33917,35862 }   18 U & O  3 medium,rest fine order  Avery [[English pound]] 1 each |  18-0-0
30387,40445,40441       }

32688,35869 - 71 - 80  }     1 rifled bore                   |  --
36515,36586,36745,     }
36877,36909            }    23 Singles   Average  7/= cash   |  8-0-0

--    | 8 Pairs of single Pocket   15/- per pair             |6-0-0

--    | 2 Pairs   v. small      |  1/15-0

39403 | Pair  cannon barrel  side locks.  (gems)  GRIFFIN  |  2-13-6

37608 | 2/10/- each  [[underline]]2[[/underline]] Pair  All Steel.  Liege make |  5-0-0

37792 | Rare Pistol with screw off leaver  side lock silver crest BRUMMITT |  1-0-0

--    | Curios [[underline]]fine make[[/underline side lock pocket plat t.hole  JOS EGG |  18-0
[[END PAGE C ]]                                                                                       72 - 17. 0

[[BEGIN PAGE D ]]         [[CIRCLE]] D [[/CIRCLE]]  [[Underline]] RARIETIES [[/Underline]]


--    | Rare Pair Pocket  [[drawing]]  Unique.  CALVERT |  9-0-0

[[3]]1051   | Double barrels inclined.  v. rare.  BRUNN 5/10/- |  3-10-0

--    | Rare Cannon barrel 2 locks  silver mask butt  BARBAR  |  6-0-0

--    | D B. Pocket. 2 locks.  ?  Pair   v. fine  SAM NOCK |  4-10-0

--    | FL Pistol  e. rare.  small. brass mts  [[underline]] French Officer [[/underline]] [[English pound]] 3 |  1-10-0

--    | Scotch all steel FL Pistol Belonged to John Earl [[R?]] Son of Duke of Bedford  THOS THOMSON |  10-0-0

--    | Pair Scotch solid silver stocks  belt-hook. [[underline]]P.C[[/underline]] HOLLIS  |  2-10-0

--    | Pair saw handle white metal  [[underline]]PC.[[/underline]] MANTON  |  4-0-0

40141 | D.B. superimposed single trigger crest  fine order P. C.  JOS EGG  |  1-0-0

36313 | Pair side lock. charge cavity in butts  v. fine  [[underline]]PC[[/underline]] RIGBY DUBLIN |  15-0

--    | Pair Pocket.  ivory butts   P.C.   |  1-5-0

--    | Ancient 3 barrel Pistol   A wreck!    |  1-10-0

--    | Wheel lock Pistol            9/15/- |  6-0-0

38825 | Wheel lock conv. to FL  inlaid stock    |  4-0-0

--    | Snaphamm or Early FL.   v. long barrel  [[drawing]]   MACSTRICH |  3-0-0

39155 | American 7 barrel Revolving Pistol.  gold & silver mts  27/10/- |  12-10-0

35460 | BUDDING Gunmetal 4 barrel revolving Pistol.  internal striker  7/10/- |  3-0-0
[[END OF PAGE D]]                                                                               75- 0. 0