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{{Circle]] 4 [[/Circle]]      [[checkmark]] 152-0-0
[[Five Column Table]]

105 | Single Duelling Pistol   Ha [[?]]ght | 1790 | England | 1-0-0

106 | Single    Defective   WOGDEN | 1810 | --  | 5

107 | Single    Defective    | 1810 | England | 10

108 | Pair DB  single hammer Pistols  TWIGG & BASS | 1810 | England | 2-0-0

109 | Pair DB ( U & O )   | 1810-20 | England | 1-10-0

110 | Pair DB ( U & O )   | 1810-20 | England | 1-10-0

111-131 | 21 Single U & O DB Pistols   15/= | 1810-20 | England | 15-15-0

132 | FL Pistol   See Field   | -- | (Flemish) | 3-0-0

133 | Pair. [[underline]]large[[/underline]] steel butt Pistols | 1760 | MAASTRICHT or MASTRICHT | 16-0-0

134 | Pair made for oriental market,gilt mtd LONDON | 1750 | England | 3-

135 | Pair v. early brass barrels  | 1720 | England | 6-10-0

136 | Pair   fine mask butts fine chiselled steel | 1760 | Dutch,Utrech | 12-

137 | Pair   fine.  gilt mtd  | 1780 | Spain | 6-

138 | Pair pan  inlaid bone  steel mtd | 1780 | Spain | 4-

139 | Pair pan  fretted steel butts Damaged  COMINAZZO | 1690 [[crossout]]1790[[/crossout]]| Italy | 12-

140 | Pair pan  chiselled steel butt | 1760 | Italy | 7-

141 | Pair   v. rare  silver butt  SPENCER | 1680 [[crossout]]1700[[/crossout]]| English | 18-

142 | Single  v. rare silver t.g. & butt  WORNAL | 1700-10 | English | 18-

143 | Single   stock broken   GREEN | 1700-10 | English | 6-

144 | Single  v. rare  early & long | 1690 | Dutch | 7-

145 | Single  silver inlaid silver Hallmarked mtd  v. long | 1780 | English | 8-
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BEGIN SECOND PAGE [[cont'd]]            [[checkmark]]      285.  0 0

146 | Wheel lock Dag   | 1670 | England? | 14-0-0

147 | Wheel lock convert to FL  inlaid stock | 1700 | Geerman | 6-

148 | Large early FL Pistol  silver inlaid in brass | 1760 | Dutch | 2-

149 | Pair FL [[circle]]29782[[/circle]] 2/5/- Dolphin headed [[?]] | 1790 | France | 4-

150 | Pair  [[circle]]30401[[/circle]] Cost 3/10/-   IonAnd. KUCHERREUTER | -- | German | 4-

151 | Pair c.b. Pocket. side  v. f.  | 178[[0]] | England | 3-

152 | Pair all steel  | 1800 | Belgian | 2-

153 | Pair  all steel  | 1800 | Belgian | 2-

154 | Pair  ex rare  [[drawing]]  CALVERT LEEDS  | 1810-20 [[crossout]]1820[[/crossout]] | England | 5-

155 | FL Hunting Sword.  silver mts  | 1790 | French | -

156 | Pistol with detachable Gunstock  | 1820 | England | 1-

157 | Cannon b. 2 locks. silver butt   BARBAR | 1780 | England | 4-

158 | Military Officer Pistol  v. rare  | 1800 | France | 1-

159 | All steel Pistol with history  John Thompson  | 1825 | Scotch | 8-
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