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6             [[CIRCLE]] 6 [[/CIRCLE]]

[[Five Column Table cont'd]]

279-84 | [[underline]]Gov't[[/underline]] Tower Cavalry Horse Pistols 15/- | 1790 | England | 4-10-0

285 | Gov't Tower v. early.   EDGE | 1759 | England | 1-10-0

286-93 | 8 Gov't Tower Pistols  10/-  | 1802 to 1815 | England | 4-0-0

294 | [[underline]]11[[/underline]]  Army FL Pistols  10/- | 1800 to 1815 | French | 5-10-0

295-6-7 | 3 v. early FL Daggs  defective  | 1690 | Flemish | 3-0-0

298-9 | 2 Wheel lock Pistols  very defective | 1690 | Flemish | 3-0-0

300-1-2 | 3 Travelling Pistols   5/- | 1800-20 | English | 15-0

303 | 1    defective   WOGDEN  3/- | 1795 | English | 10-0

304-5 | 2 Small side b: Pistols  defective  | 1820 | English | 10-0

306 | Heavy Pistol  perfect   TWIGG | 1810 | English | 10-0

307-8 | 2 brass barrels Pistols FL   | 1800 | -- | 1-0-0

309 | Heavy Short Blunderbus. FL  | 1790 | England? | 15-0

310-1 | 2 FL Pistols.  made for Oriental market  | 1830 | Italian | 10-0
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END [[Circle]] 6 [[/Circle]]
BEGIN [[Circle]] 7 [[/Circle]]                 [[Underline]] P. C. [[/Underline]]
[[Five Column Table cont'd]]

312 | Case. Rifle & Shot Gun.  bayonet.  STEVENS | England | 1840 | 1-10-0

313 | Case P. C. (converted 1850) DB Sporting Gun rosewood case 30100  JOSEPH MANTON | England | 1810 | 2-

314-329 | P. C. Revolvers  15/- | England & Aus | 1840-45 | 4-10-0

323 | Revolving Monitor Pistol   | America? | abt. 1840 | 1-0-0

324 | Curious top feed repeating pistol  | English? | 1840? |   10-0

325 | Rare American revolving Pistol gold & silver mtd  | USA | 1840? | 1-0-0

326 | Budding gunmetal Revolving Pistol  1837 | Engl | -- |    10-0

327-40 | 14 Pepper Pot Revolving Pistols 3 American/4 French, Allen Patent 5/- | -- | 1837 to 1850 | 3-10-0

341 | Case patent bullet rifle Pistols outer leather case | England | 1850? | 1-0-0

342 | Case P. C. breaking Pistols internal striker & small d.b. [[?]] Patent Models D EGG | England | 1835 | 2-0-0

343 | Case P. C. Pair with bayonets   | 1840 | France |   10-0

344 | Case P. C. Pair Duelling. converted [[from or for?]] FL  | England | England 1820 | 1-0-0

345 | Case P. C. DB Pistols   ]  In new order please           } England | 1840 | 1-0-0
346 | Case P. C. DB Pistols   ]  handle the case with          } England | 1840 | 1-0-0
347 | Case P. C. DB Pistols   ]  great care, may be loaded?    } England | 1840 | 1-0-0

348 | Case P.C. Single b Pistols  | England | 1840 |   .10

349 | Case P.C. single b.  RIGBY  v.fine  | Ireland | 1840 |   .10

350 | Case  Single b.  small pocket  | England | 1840 |    .10

351-2-3 | 3 Early [[Trantiv?]] Revolver in cases 5/-  | England | 1850 |   .15

354-9 | 6 Pepper Box Revolvers  in cases  5/-  | England | 1850 | 1-10-0

360-5 | 6 FL Pistols   a.f. [[damaged]] 5/-  | England | [[crossout]]1790[[/crossout]] ^[[1800-20]] | 1-10-0
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