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[[5 column table]]
77 | N/. | Ashanti, War Horn  634 | O1/ 14/2/02 | 9-6
78 | G/: | S. African Knobkerrie  409 | H1/ 25-1-03 | 5-0
79 | /s  | S. African Stabbing Spear  577 | H1/ 25-1-03 | 4-0
80 | G/./- | S. African Shield 57"x31"  410 | F6/ 17-10-03 | 1-10-0
81 | s/. | S. African Shield  704 | P10/ 3-7-05 | 18-6
82 | GX/r | Mashona Axe  Mashona. 566 | S4/ 19-11-07 | 1-0-0
83 | N/. | Mashona Staff containing Knife  611 | S4/ 19-11-07 | 8-0
84 | y/s | Mashona Head Rest  17/16/98 c. | J9/ 19-12-09 | 6-2
85 | -/I | Zulu Belt. beadwork. | H1/ 25-1-08 | 6-0
86 | ./. | Zulu Leather Belt | S4/ 30-5-05 | 6
87 | G/S | Zulu Spoon | P.6/ 25-11-13 | 3-0
88 | -/y | China Figure Soap stone | H14/ 11-7-04 | 6
89 | G/- | England. Helmet of the 16th Lancers. | / 13-5-04 | 3-0
90 | M/S | France. Cuirassier's Sword. sheath of steel. | W3/ 28-4-02 | 9-0
91 | G/- | England [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] Naval Cutlass. sheath | W3/ 23-5-02 | 5-0
92 | y/s | England P.C. Rifle & Sword bayonet. Lancaster patent. | R3/ 11-6-03 | 15-6
93 | A/- | France 18 Cent. Infantry Sword. | S4/ 23-10-07 | 6-0
94 | G/- | France 19th Cent. Infantry Sword-bayonet. Sheath. | C4/ 15-07-02 | 1-6
95 | y/- | England Regulation Practice Sword. | S4/ 19-12-05 | 2-0
96 | y/- | England P.C. Revolver. | H2/ 6-2-02 | 2-6
97 | y/3 | Spain. Clasp Knife. | S.6 19-8-02 | 5-6
98 |  -  | Zulu Amulet of beadwork. | W3 22-1-03 | 6
99 | G/- | France Infantry Sword Bandsman's | S4/ 1-1-12 | 1-0
100 |  -  | India. Silver Locket. |  | 5-0
101 | S/: | Arabia. Dagger; "Jambiya"; silver plated hilt, sheath  402 | S1/ 21-1-02 | 12-0
102 | y/s | Turkey. Pipe. "Sheesheh". | S1/ 21-1-02 | 5-0
103 | I/: | Algiers Knife in brass sheath  311 | S1/ 21-1-02 | 16-0
104 | GX/.| Turkey. Yataghan. Sheath.  740 | C7/ 9-12-08 | 12-0
105 | G/Y/- | Turkey Yatagan. Ivory hilt silver inlay  739 | L2/ 7-3-07 | 1-14-0
106 | S/S | Turkey Quama. ivory hilt. damaged.  294 | H2/ 28-4-02 | 14-0
107 | G/1 | Soudan, Emir's hat.  731 | S4/ 19-11-7 | 2-0
108 | S/- | Soudan, Jibbeh or Fighting Coat  730 | S3/ 8-5-02 | 1-2-6
109 | M/1 | Soudan, Belt  732 | S4/ 19-11-07 | 6-0
110 | M/- | Arabia, Pair Shoes, yellow | F21/ 25-8-8 | 3-0
111 | N/- | Arabia, Pair Shoes, soft | S4/ 13-12-06 | 4-0
112 | N/: | Arabia, Pair Shoes, tops bound red leather | S1/ 21-1-02 | 8-0
113 | A/. | Arabia, Pair Shoes, tops bound red leather smaller | P16/ 28-11-13 | 2-0
114 | G/. | Turkey, Pair Shoes, red leather damaged. |  | 2-0


Transcription Notes:
Later transcriber: these pages have special instructions - please read before transcribing wrong so others have to fix!