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[[stamp]] WEBSTER COLLECTION [[/stamp]]

[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]]

[[5 column table]]

267 | GA/. | Tyrol Gun. P.C. converted from wheel lock. | W.5 25-9-02 | 2-10-0
268 | T/5 | Tyrol Gun. breach loading, stock curved over. | H.2/28-3-02 | 14-0
269 | GY/S | Tyrol Gun. Double-barrelled P.C. |  | 16-0
270 | T/S | Tyrol Gun. Short Flint-lock |  | 14-0
271 | G/S | Tyrol Pistol. F.L. rough | H2/28-3-02 | 4-6
272 | T/S | Tyrol Belt of leather. very broad | E2/3-11-03 | 1-0-0
273 | T/S | Tyrol Belt of leather. fine quuill work | E2/3-11-03 | 1-5-0
274 | G/- | Tyrol Priming horn | C7/9-12-08 | 2-0
275 | -/S | Tyrol Snuff Box. iron carved wood lid | W1/20-3-02 | 4-0
276 | Y/S | Tyrol Set of Knife, Fork, Spoons, Awl 8½"x2½ | W1/20-3-02 | 10-0
277 | G/S | Tyrol Hat. large | S4/1-1-12 | 4-6
278 | /- | Benin Brass Armlet.  like No. 265 | N9/17-10-10 | 1-6
279 | -/S | Benin Horn of goat horn |  | 3-0
280 | Y/- | Japan  Sword Guard. (a pair with No.2070) | C24/26-10-07 | 8-9
281 | G/S | Japan  Sword Guard. | W-3/9-2-03 | 3-0
282 | Y/- | Japan  Sword Guard. | H5/5-10-03 | 9-0
283 | N/- | Japan Match lock Gun round barrel 941 | C7/9-12-08 | 5-0
284 | H/S | Japan Match lock Gun hexagon barrel 940 | H2/28-3-02 | 14-0
285 | -/S | Japan Tobacco Pipe. (Korea?) [[drawing]] | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0
286 | Y/S | Japan Sword. lac sheath. fine guard added 899 | C7/19-12-12 | 14-0
287 | Y/S | Kamerun Cartridge Box 937 | W3/28-4-02 | 7-6
288 | N/- | Kamerun Piano, bamboo Keys | O2/17-12-06 | 5-0
289 | G/- | Kamerun Head-rest. rough |S4/5-2-07 | 5-0
290 | -/S | Kamerun Armlet. brass. 1" broad | H1/29-4-02 | 2-6
291 | Y/- | East African Water Bottle in cane carrier | H1/25-5-02 | 6-0
292 | G/- | East African Spoon carved | H2/1-7-03 | 2-6
293 | G/- | East African Fork carved | H2/1-7-03 | 2-6
294 | -/S | Calabar Spoon | S4/19-11-07 | 1-0
295 | G/- | Zulu Gourd Ladle | H-2/28-3-02 | 3-0
296 | G/- | Zulu Snuff Bottle |H1/29-4-02 | 7-6
297 | -/S | Zulu Snuff Spoon | H1/16-5-02 | 1-6
298 | -/S | Zulu Armlet  wire | H1/29-4-02 | 2-0
299 | -/S | Zulu Armlet  wire | H1/12-9-02 | 1-6
300 | -/S | Zulu Armlet  beadwork |T5/25-2-04 | 2-0
301 | -/S | Zulu Necklet. bead pendant (put in with 844 |M4/31-7-02 | 4-0
302 | -/S | Zulu Necklet |  | 3-0
303 | /S | Zulu Necklet | H1/29-4-02 | 3-0
304 | -/S | Zulu Necklet |  | 4-0

Transcription Notes:
Later transcriber: these pages have special instructions - please read before transcribing wrong so others have to fix!