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[[5 column table]]

1,103 | GA/- | New Caledonia Club. [[underlined]]damaged.[[/underlined]] Bird type.  C 166 |   | 1-1-0
1,104 | G/-/- | Fiji Club elongated root type. v. fine. K. 167 |   | 6-6-0
1,105 | GY/S | Fiji Club root type.  168 |   | 1-12-6 |
1,106 | S/- | New Guinea Club, stone head.  169 | P16/7-6-13 | 17-6
1,107 | G/- | Japan, Book. |   | 2-6
1,108 | A/S | Fiji or Tongan  Lobe Club, ivory in end.  171 | D16/1-6-10 | 10-0
1,109 | A/S | Africa Club.  170 | P16/28-11-13 | 6-6
1,110 | Y/GA/- | Burmah, Dha. silver mounted.  172 | F3/17-2-03 | 5-10-0
1,111 | G/G/- | Benin Sword, Fish-slice, much perished.  175 | W22/26-10-09 | 1-12-6
1,112 | GY/S | Ceylon Sword  176 |   | 15-6
1,113 | T/S | New Guinea Club. black-wood.  177 | P16/7-6-13 | 15-6
1,114 | A/- | India. Dagger; Peshkaby". Crystal hilt.  179 |  | 2-2-9
1,115 | M/- | Borneo Spear.  Dusun 180 | C11/23-4-08 | 10-0
1,116 | M/- | Borneo Spear.  Dusun 181 | N9/17-10-10 | 10-0
1,117 | M/- | Borneo Spear.  Dusun 182 |   | 12-6
1,118 | N/- | Borneo Blow Pipe with spear-head.  174 | P1/20-11-02 | 1-12-6
1,119 | S/- | Masai Simé, sheath & belt  186 | P1/24-1-02 | 12-0
1,120 | G/-/- | Borneo. Sword; Parang Ilang & sheath. small knife  188 | S6/27-9-02 | 2-10-0
1,121 | I/S | Borneo. Sword; Malay. Dyak. "Parang Pedang. sheath  189 | H5/9-10-07 | 1-10-0
1,122 | I/S | Borneo. Sword; Parang Dumtok.  190 | M4/25-9-02 | 1-10-0
1,123 | I/- | Borneo. Shield painted & dec: hair  Rejang R: Kyan  191 | S4/6-10-07 | 1-10-0
1,124 | N/- | Borneo. Shield. plain.  193 | C11/23-4-08 | 16-0
1,125 | M/- | Borneo. Sheild. Circular plain. cane.  Murut  194 | C11/23-4-08 | 1-0-0
1,126 | -/S | Borneo. Basket. circular with lid |   | 5-0
1,127 | -/S | Borneo. Basket. circular with lid |   | 5-0
1,128 | G/. | Ancient Roman Pottery Jug. black |   | 3-0
1,129 | G/. | Ancient Roman Pottery Bottle. red |   | 2-0
1,130 | G/- | S.W. Africa  Bow.  196 | S4/22-10-07 | 2-6
1,131 | M/. | Eskimo Ivory Seal club  197 | B16/6-10-05 | 1-12-6
1,132 | A/- | Abyssinia Sword; Shotel" sheath.  198 | M22/25-1-07 | 18-6
1,133 | Y/. | Large Turtle Shell |   | 7-6
1,134 | A/- | S. America  Blow Pipe. Quiver of Darts.  [[circled]] C/21 [[/circled]]  199 | S4/5-11-07 | 8-0
1,135 | A/- | S. America  Blow Pipe.  C/21  C  200 | F23/28-12-09 | 12-6
1,136 | GY/- | Persia Sabre. Arab inscription.  201 | M5/5-6-03 | 1-5-0
1,137 | A/- | Somali Sword.  202 | F15/29-5-06 | 10-0
1,138 | N | Soudan Short Sword used by Camel Drivers.  203 | P16/28-11-13 | 14-6
1,139 | N/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife.  205 | H10/24-11-03 | 6-6
1,140 | N/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife.  206 |   | 7-6