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[[5 column table]]

3041|I/.| New Guinea Pick. stone M'.Zulu | W1/3-10-03 |14-6

3042|I/.| New Guinea Pick. stone M'.Zulu | W1/3-10-0 | 14-6 

3043|G/.| New Guinea Charm in bag.  C | B29/10-5-07 |  10-0

3044|G/S| New Guinea Charm in bag. [[circled]]C/22 [[/circle]] | B16/15-4-05 |   7-6

3045|G/-| New Guinea Charm bag.     | P16/7-6-13 |   10-6

3046|G/-| New Guinea Charm no bag. [[circled]]C/22 [[/circled]] | R12/29-9-06 |   3-6

3047|G/.| New Guinea Charm          | W22/26-1-07 |   4-0

3048|G/.| New Guinea Charm wood.            |     |   9-0

3049|S/M| New Guinea Trumpet      C| W22/21-1-07 |   15-0

3050|S/M| New Guinea Trumpet   [[circled]]C/22[[/circle]] | C11/30-4-07 |   14-0

3051|S/M| New Guinea Trumpet        C| P16/7-6-13 | 1-6-6

3052|S/M| New Guinea Trumpet        C| Y3/30-8-05 |   9-0

3053|G/G/-| Hervey I. Paddle. small. repd.  | W1/13-10-03 | 2-0-0

3054|S/S| Australia Boomerang. Alexandra Land.        C. | C11/17-10-05 |  12-6

3055| /.| Zulu Bangle             C | P-6/28-11-13 |   6-6

3056|M/.| Zulu Necklet.          C |      |   6-0

3057|G/.| Zulu Armlet.             | W.3/29-12-02 |   3-6

3058|I/.| Fiji Club. [[drawing]] End of handle repd.   C | D16/1-8-10 | [[written over]] 1-6-0[[/written over 

3059|N/-| Fiji Whale tooth ornament [[circle]]C[[/circle]] |B16/6-10-05.|17-6

3060|M/S| Fiji Whale tooth ornament C|     |[[strike through]]10-0[[/strikethrough]] |   12-6

3061|GX/.| Samoa Club. modern.       |S.4/17-2-03.|   10-0

3062|GT/.| Fiji Club.                C| D16/1-6-10 | 1-7-0

3063|GX/.| Santa Cruz Club                  C|     | 1-0-0

3064|A/-| N. America Flail.          | S.4/17-2-03 |   5-0

3065|GX/.| W. Africa Sword & Sheath.     C| P-6/28-11-13 | 1-5-0

3066|A/-| Australia Basket. Alligator Riv.     C.| C11/17-10-05 |  14-0

3067|A/-| New Guinea Bow.           C| W12/16-3-05 |   7-6

3068|GX/-| China Bracelet silver. 3 1/4 ozs. C|B38/14-6-09|15-0
3069|GX/-| China Bracelet silver. 3 1/4 ozs. C|/R8/20-4-07|17-0
3070|T/S.| China Bracelet silver. hinged perforated | W.3/29-12-02 | 1-0-0

3071|M/.|China Ring silver.         | W.3/29-12-02 |   6-0 

3072|M/.| China Ring silver.          C.| C/9-12-08 |   4-0 

3073|Y/S| China Ring silver.         | W.3/29-12-02 |   5-0

3074|Y/-| Soudan Spear Assouan       C | S4/5-11-07 |   4-0

3075|Y/-| Soudan Spear                C| S4/5-11-07 |   4-0

3076|Y/-| Soudan Spear            C | P-16/28-11-13 |   5-0

3077|G/S| India Pellet Bow.           C| J12/3-3-13 |   5-0

3078|GY/.| Caucassian Knife one side of hilt of Jade.    C|   |     | 1-5-0

Transcription Notes:
It's not faint, it's blue [[lettering for next to last column]]