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[[5 column table]]

3611|Y/.|Chippendale Mahogany Cheese Tray. | L25/1-6-16|10-0
3612|-/S|New Zealand Pendant. heart-shaped.| F20/3-10-08|  6-0
3613|GS/-|Borneo Sword "Klewang".       C|S3/11-3-03| 2-2-0
3614|N/.|Borneo Small Knife. bone hilt.     |F20/17-12-10|[[written over]] 1-1-0 [[/written over]]
3615|M/S|New Guinea Lime Spatula. tortoise shell    C|G6/24-9-03|  7-6
3616|A/-|Burmah Silver mount.      C|W3/20-3-03|  11-0
3617|GY/.S|Burmah Knife. ivory hilt. silver|F3. 5-3-03| 15-0
3618|G/-/.|Burmah Knife. ivory hilt. silver|F3 5-3-03| 1-7-6
3619|GA/.|Burmah Knife. covd. silver   | F3/5-3-03|  17-6
3620|GA/-|Burmah Knife. dome end to hilt. |F3/5-3-03 |  17-6
3621|M/./-|Burmah Dha. silver hilt.       |F3/5-3-03.| 5-5-0
3622|GX/.|Burmah Dha. brass mounts.    C| P.128-3-03 | 14-0
3623|G/./.|Burmah Dha. ivory & silver hilt.|F3 5-3-03| 2-2-0
3624|M/A/.|Burmah Dha. ivory & silver hilt.|F3 5-3-03.|6-6-0
3625|G/GY/S|Burmah Dha. blade damascened silver Animals.   | F3/5-3-03 | 3-5-0
3626|G/GY/S|Burmah Dha. blade damascened silver Floral     | F3/5-3-03.|3-5-0
3627|GX/.|Burmah Knife ivory hilt.      | F3/5-3-03 |  12-6
3628|T/S|Tibet Belt, brass plates. C.| S4/21-12-07|[[written over]]  15-0 [[/written over]]
3629|I/-|Afghan Knife. Salawar Yataghan. C|O4/1904-8 |[[written over]]  8-0[[/written over]] 
3630|G/S|China, Pipe.     C| H2/1-7-03 |[[written over]]4-0 [[/written over]]
3631|Y/S|Persia Dervish Scrit of a coco-ai-ner pod       C| L12/11-1-06 |[[written over]]  15-0[[/written over]]
3632|G/./-|India. Kukri, silver mtd. sheath   C|E2/3-11-03|[[written over]]  4-0[[/written over]]
3633|S/S|India. Kora. sheath    C.| H14/31-12-08 |[[written over ]] 13-6[[/written over]]
3634|GX/.|Borneo "Parang Ilang, sheath        C|    | 1-5-0
3635|A/.|Malay Kris. undulating blade. C|Y4/8-12-08.|  12-6
3636|Y/S|Malay Knife.                C.| H2/25-3-03 |   6-0
3637|Y/S|Congo Knife sheath        C| P16/28-11-13 |   10-6
3638|Y/-|Mashona Knife bone hilt. S  C| H10/24-11-03 |  6-0
3639|Y/S|Kabagh Fluria sheath      C| H2/25-3-03 |[[written over]]  10-0[[/written over]]
3640|G/X|Canary Knife silver mtd.    C| H10/24-11-03 |  8-6
3641|G/-|India Dagger; Peshkalz        C| H2/25-3-03 |  3-6
3642|Y/.|Basque Clasp Knife            C| H2/25-3-03 |  6-0
3643|Y/-|Italy Stiletto               C| H2/25-3-03 |  10-0
3644|T/S|Scotland. Claymore sheath   C| A3/26-5-03 | 1-10-0
3645|S/S|Scotland. Claymore sheath 1780 C|A3/26-5-03|1-10-0
3646|A/-|China Short Sword        C| R16/14-9-07 |[[written over]]8-0[[/written over]]
3647|N/S|S. Africa. Piano, "Sanza".          C|     |  15-6
3648|Y/S|Zulu Shield.     C| A3/26-5-03 |[[written over]] 10-0[[/written over]]

Transcription Notes:
I see no stamp here