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[[5 column table]]

3193 |G/S| China. Tobacco Pipe C|S4/1-1-12|[[written over]]|  5-0 [[/written over]]

3194 |G/GY/S| Arab Sword. silver hilt C|F15/29-5-06|2-17-6

3195 |N/-| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small. [[circled and written over ]]C/21[[/circled and written over]] | K2/23-2-05 [[written over previous]]10-0[[/written over ]]

3196 | /S| S. Africa Baugh.        | W.3/21-1-03 |   1-0

3197 |Y/GA/.| Mauser Carbine       | S.7/19-2-03 | 5-10-0

3198 |Y/M| Kaffir Woman's Necklet            C|   |   5-6

3199 |Y/M| Kaffir Woman's Necklet  | H11/24-11-03 |   5-0

3200 |./C| Kaffir Anklet.           | W.3/21-1-03 |   2-0

3201 | /C| Kaffir Anklet.           | W.3/21-1-03 |   2-0

3202 | /C| Kaffir Anklet.          | W.3/21-1-03 |    2-0

3203 | /C| Kaffir Anklet.           | W.3/21-1-03 |   2-0

3204 |GT/S| Afghan Match-lock Gun. C.|S4/19-11-07|[[written over]]1-15-0[[/written over]]

3205 | GT/S|India Match-lock Gun. C.|A3/26-5-03|[[written over]] 2-5-0 [[/written over]]

3206 |-/M| India pierced garnet Currency 36.    |    |3-0

3207 |-/M| India pierced garnet Currency 36.    | H2/28-10-03 |  3-0

3208 |-/M| India pierced garnet Currency 36. |    |   3-0

3209 |S/-| Gaboon Knife sheath. carved hilt [[faint]F[[/faint]]  C.|             N9/17-10-10 |   10-0

3210 |M/S| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small     | M7/14-1-05|   10-6

3211 |M/S| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small     | W16/16-6-05 |   10-6

3212 |G/.| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small   |N9/17-10-10 |[[written over]]  10-0[[/written over]]

3213 |G/| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small   | H28/12-9-16 |[[written over]] 2-2-0 [[/written over]]

3214 |M/S| N. America. Pipe Tomahawk. small  | J5/28-4-05 |10-6

3215 |Y/S| Malay Knife. silver bands       C|H2./25-3-03|[[written over]]   7-0[[/written over]]

3216 |GX/.| India Mace. set stones & inlaid silver [[drawing]]                                C|     | 1-5-0

3217 |N/.| Borneo Sword blade.            K|     | 1-10-0

3218| C/-| India Axe Pistol          Sontal|R.3./4-2-03.|[[written over]] 1-5-0 [[/written over]]

3219 |A/-| India Match Pistol Sontal | F11/18-1-05 |  11-6

3220 |N/.| India Match Pistol Sontal | O2/30-12-04 |   7-6

3221 |M/.| India Match Pistol        | F11/6-11-05 |   6-6

3222 |GS/S| New Britain Club.               C|    | 1-15-0

3223 |G/S| S. Africa Kerrie.         | L.2/20-1-03 |   3-6

3224 |N/-| S. Africa Cobra Skin.               |    |  3-0

3225 |M/-| S. Africa Snake Skin.             |    |    2-0

3226 |M/.| Spain Clasp Knife.         | H2/17-2-03 |   6-0

3227 |A/-| India Match Pistol & spear combined     Sontal.| O2/30-12-04 |   12-6

3228 |G/./-| Turkey F.L. Pistol silver butt.  | S4/30-5-05 | 1-5-0

3229|GG/-|Turkey F.L. Pistol lock inlaid silver   C|     |  19-6

3230|Y/-|Zulu Throwing Spear. [[underlined]]"Umkonto"[[/underlined]] | A3/26-5-03 |   5-0