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[[5 column table]]

3383| G/. |Snake Skin. 9'              | P9/9-6-05 |   2-0
3384| G/. |Snake Skin. 9'4             | P9/9-6-05 |   1-6
3385| G/. |Snake Skin. 8'2           | S4/19-11-07 |   2-0
3386| G/. |Snake Skin. 8'5            | Y4/8-12-08 |   2-0
3387| G/. |Snake Skin. 8'4            | C7/9-12-08 |   2-0
3388| G/- |Snake Skin. 8'8            | J5/10-6-07 |   1-6
3389| G/. |Snake Skin. 8'0            | H2/17-2-03 |   2-0
3390| G/. |Snake Skin. 7'9            | P9/13-4-05 |   1-6
3391| G/. |Snake Skin. 7'5            | P9/13-4-05 |   1-6
3392| G/- |Snake Skin. 6'9            | W15/4-4-05 |   1-0
3393| G/. |Snake Skin. 6'8            | H2/17-2-03 |   2-0
3394| G/. |Snake Skin. 7'10          | C14/31-1-07 |   1-6
3395| G/- |Snake Skin. 6'5           | H2/28-10-03 |   2-0
3396| G/. |Snake Skin. 4'7            | H2/17-2-03 |   1-6
3397| G/. |Snake Skin. 4'4"           | B20/15-4-05 |  1-0
3398| GA/- |New Guinea Skull v. perfect      | W7/24-6-03 | 1-12-6
3399| GA/- |New Guinea Skull divided frontal | A8/10-4-05 | 1-1-0
3400| T/- |New Guinea Skull         | C15/21-7-05 |   10-0
3401| GY/- |New Guinea Skull [[circled]]C/22 [[/circled]]| B18/29-3-05 |1-12-6
3402| I/- |Malay Kris v. large undulating blade. sheath C.| C7/9-12-08 |   10-0
3403| T/.|Malay Kris straight C.     | F15/29.5.06 |   7-0
3404| M/.|Camerun Bali Pipe bowl.     | H2/17.2.03 |   5-0
3405| Y/-|Camerun Bali Pipe bowl c   | T12/22.7.07 |   5-0
3406|M/-| Calabar Wiri Currency     c| R14/18.9.06 |   4-6
3407|G/.| Amazon Pipe + Calabash in basket. Collected 1847. |H2/17.2.03|   3-6
3408|M/S|Pair Spring. bok horns. male. | H2/17.2.03 |   5-0
3409|Y/S|Pair Spring. bok horns. female.| H2/17.2.03 |  4-0
3410|G/.| Benin rough brass mask.     | M28/3.5.09 |   2-6
3411|Y/.| Pair Spring bok. masks.     | H8/11.2.07 |   3-6
3412|Y/.| Mendi Warri Beans of iron  | B38/14.6.09 |  15-0
3413|G/.| Japanese Visor             | G10/29.6.09 |   9-6
3414|M/.| Persia Narghlei Stein. carved| M31/11.12.09| 6-0
3415|A/.| Pair Bush-buck horns.       | H2/17.2.03 |   8-0
3416|-/S| China silver hair ornament       |       |   3-6
3417|-/S| China silver hair ornament      |        |   3-6  
3418|-/S| China silver hair ornament      |        |   3-0
3419|-/S| China silver hair ornament      |        |   3-6
3420|-/S| China silver hair ornament    | L12/2.2.06 | 3-4