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[[5 column table]]

3763|Y/S|New Guinea Bone Fork. C|W1/3-10-03|4-0
3764|-/C|New Guinea Water Bottles 2 C|H2/6-5-03|2-0
3765|-/C|New Guinea Water Bottles 2|H10/24-11-03|3-0
3766|Y/S|New Guinea Decapetating Knife. [[bracket combining line with following line]] Mowatta. C/22.|L12/9-12-05|12-6
3767|Y/S|New Guinea Head Carrier.|L12/9-12-05|10-0
3768|G/S|New Guinea Decapetating knife. Tugin R|R14/18-9-05|3-6
3769|G/S|New Guinea Head Carrier|R14/18-9-06|5-0
3770|G/S|New Guinea Decapetating knife. C|H10/24-11-03|4-0
3771|G/S|New Guinea Head Carrier|H10/24-11-03|4-0
3772|C/-|Nepal "Kora" [[circled]]C/20[[/circled]]|P10/3-7-05.|9-0
3773|G/-|India Tulwar blade (Hilt see No 2125) C|L9/12-12-03|6-0
3774|Y/A/-|Turkey. 2 Man Gun F.L|S4/5-11-07|4-0-0
3775|T/S|India Elephant Goad. C|M5/7-4-0|[[written over previous]]1-5-0[[/written over previous]]
3776|GX/-|India Sword [[circled]]C/22[[/circled]]|S4/20-10-08|[[written over previous]]11-6[[/written over previous]]
3777|T/S|India Dagger C|[[written over previous]]C7/9-12-08.|8-6[[/written over previous]]
3778|GA/-|Turkey Dagger hilt & sheath covd. silver. C|C7/9-12-08.|17-0
3779|C/-|China Pair of Swords. C|   |[[strike through]]1-6-6[[/strike through]]1-10-0
3780|-/S|New Guinea Lime Gourd. C|H2/6-5-03|2-0
3781|M/-|Australia Boomerang. C|N.5/9-10-03|6-6
3782|G/M|Admiralty I. Spear|   |8-6
3783|G/M|Admiralty I. Spear C|   |5-0
3784|Y/S|Arab weapon of Antelope horn C|H2/6-5-03|7-6
3785|-/S|Spain "Banderilla" or Dart|H3/7-5-03|2-0
3786|I/-|Turkey. Janzarian Plate. C|L9/12-12-03|15-0
3787|GX/-|Soudan Jibbeh used by Kalifa's Executioner C.|C7/9-12-08|12-6
3788|A/-|Soudan Jibbeh lemon C|T5/20-4-04|11-6
3789|C/-|Soudan Jibbeh Quilted with leg pieces. Used with [[underlined]] Quda of Asmom[[/underlined]] [[circled]]C[[/circled]]|F20/24-10-08-|1-0-0
3790|GT/-|New Zealand "Haus"[[circled]]C[[/circled]]|L2/8-5-05|1-5-0 
3791|G/-|New Zealand  Tewhatura [[drawing]] modern deal|S4/5-2-07.|3-9
3792|M/-|Fiji Club. C|D16/1-6-10.|[[written over previous]]7-0[[/written over previous]]
3793|Y/S|Fiji Club. C|E1/10-9-03|5-0
3794|GG/S|Fiji Club. (Pine-apple) C|   |1-6-0
3795|M/X|Boer Sjambok C|H10/31-10-03|7-6
3796|G/S|New Guinea Club. Knobbed unflanges. rare|G6/14-8-05|15-0
3797|G/S|New Guinea Club. Knobbed unflanges. rare|G6/14-8-05|16-0
3798|G/S|New Guinea Club. Knobbed unflanges. rare 1|G6/14-8-05|15-0
3799|G/S|New Guinea Club. rough [[strike through]]"[[/strike through]] Evorra C|E1/10-9-03|3-0
3800|G/S|New Guinea Club. rough Evorra|E1/10-9-03|3-0