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[[5 Column Table]]

4029|  Y/-  | Lapp Knife                                | C11/24-8-04 |      8-0 |
4030|  -/S  | Norway Knife with stone sharpener         | T5/20-4-04  |      2-0 |
4031|  Y/-  | Siberia Knife hilt inlaid zinc        c/21|             |     18- |
4032|  Y/-  | Siberia Knife heath                   c/21|             |     10-6 |
4033|  Y/-  | Basque Clasp Knife                        |             |      5-6 |
4034|  I/S  | Samoa Club, carved all over               | C12/20-12-05|    2-5-0 |
4035|  C/-  | Fiji Club bound sennet                    |             |   1-10-0 |
4036|  Y/-  | Solomon Canoe Figure-head                 | L9/2-12-05  |      8-6 |
4037|  Y/-  | Old Calabar Ju-Ju.                        | C11-30-4-07 |     10-0 |
4038|  -/Y  | Solomon Bow.                              | S4/19-11-07 |      1-0 | 
4039|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             |             |      1-0 |
4040|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             |             |      1-0 |
4041|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | H14/28-4-04 |        3 |
4042|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | S33/6-6-08  |        3 |
4043|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | H14/28-4-04 |        3 |
4044|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | H14/28-4-04 |        3 |
4045|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | S8/14-8-03  |        6 |
4046|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | H14/28-4-04 |        3 |
4047|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | J12/3-3-15  |      1-9 |
4048|  -/G  | Solomon Arrow                             | J12/3-3-15  |      2-0 |
4049|  -/S  | Solomon Bone Stick             Norfolk I.?|             |      8-0 |
4050|  -/S  | Solomon Bone Stick             Norfolk I.?|             |     10-0 |
4051| -/S   | Solomon Surf Boat. Catamarang.            | M28/3-5-09  |    |[[written over previous]]4-0[[/written over previous]]
4052| -/G | Nigeria Pair Shoes.                          B38/14-6-09  |    |[[written over previous]2-0[[/written over previous]]
4053| -/G | Nigeria Pair Shoes.                                       |      3-0 |
4054| -/G | Nigeria Pair Shoes.                                       |      2-0 |
4055| -/M | Gaboon Cap.                                  | C11/3-5-06 |      8-0 |
4056| -/S | Calabar carved Comb.                         | H2/1-7-03  |      4-0 |
4057| -/S | Sword fish Snout & [[strikethrough]] 3 small ones [[/strikethrough]].| H2/28-11-03 | 3-6
4058| -/M | Sword fish Snout.                            |            |      2-6 |
4059| GX/-| China Spectacles.                            | H1/10-6-03 |    1-0-0 |
4060| G/S | Calabar Spear.                               | H14/25-4-04|      3-0 |
4061| G/S | Bateke Spear C.                              | S4/19-11-07|      3-0 |
4062| G/S | Gaboon Spear. C                              | S4/29-9-08 |      3-0 |
4063| G/S | Gaboon Spear. C                              | S4/5-11-07 |      3-0 |
4064| G/S | Gaboon Spear.                                | S4/19-11-07|      3-0 |
4065| G/S | Gaboon Spear. C.                   |[[faint]] P16/28-11-13|      5-6 |    
4066| G/S | Angola Spear.                                | W7/24-6-03 |      5-0 |