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[[5 column table]]

4105 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | H2/1-7-03 | 5-6
4106 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | H2/1-7-03 | 5-6
4107 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | P5/22-12-03 | 5-0
4108 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. |   | 5-0
4109 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | M10/11-2-04 | 5-0
4110 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | J3/3-12-04 | 5-0
4111 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | J3/3-12-04 | 5-0
4112 | Y/C | English Govt. F. L Horse Pistol ring butt. | D4/16-2-04 | 5-0
4113 | T/S | Zulu Shield | F13/28-3-05. | 15-0
4114 | Y/S | Zulu Shield small. | T3/12-10-03 | 6-6
4115 | GA/S | Burmah Dhá, carved ivory hilt. | W1/3-10-03 | 1-15-0
4116 | G/S | Boer Cartridge Belt. | W22/4-11-07. | 4-0
4117 | I/S | England Bluderbuss. brass barrel. | P5/9-12-03 | 2-0-0
4118 | T/- | Bhotan Sword. | [[written over previous]]H2/1-1-07[[/written over previous]] | 15-0
4119 | GY/- | India Tulwar perforated blade C/22 |   | [[written over previous]]1-16-0[[/written over previous]]
4120 | GA/- | Albania Yataghan. silver hilt. | S5/12-8-05 | 1-10-0
4121 | A/- | Benin Dagger | B14/13-7-04. | 16-0
4122 | Y/S-A/- | Ceylon Dagger[[written over previous]]sheath & stylus 6435/.6135[[/written over previous]] | S35/29-6-12 | [[written over previous]]11-5-0[[/written over previous]]
4123 | G/- | Japan Arrow-head. | J12/3-3-13 | [[written over previous]]6-0[[/written over previous]]
4124 | C/- | England F. L Pistols a pair by H Nock. | S9/18-9-03 | 15-6
4125 | G/I/- | England F. L Pistols a pair by T North. Southampton. in case | S9/18-9-03 | 2-9-0
4126 | G/S/- | England F. L Pistols a pair by Wilkes London | S9/18-9-03 | 2-5-0
4127 | M/- | Tibet Scales in case | H2/1-7-03 | 6-0
4128 | GX/- | Congo Spear. | W7/24-6-03 | 1-0-0
4129 | GX/- | Congo Spear. | P16/24-11-13 | [[written over previous]]17-6[[/written over previous]]
4130 | [[written over previous]]Y/S[[/written over previous]] | Congo Spear. | W34/30-11-15 | [[strike through]]15-0[[/strike through]]12-6
4131 | [[written over previous]]YY/S[[/written over previous]] | Congo Spear. |   | 17-6
4132 | GX/-? | Congo Spear. | W7/24-6-03 | 1-0-0
4133 | Y/S | Congo Spear. |   | 14-0
4134 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | S4/5-11-07 | 5-0
4135 | G/- | Congo Spear. |   | 3-0
4136 | G/- | Congo Spear. | H14/25-4-04 | 3-0
4137 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | R20/12-10 | [[written over previous]]2-6[[/written over previous]]
4138 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | S4/19-11-07 | 5-0
4139 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | S4/3-12-07 | 5-0
4140 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | S4/5-11-07 | 4-0
4141 | Y/S | Congo Spear. | S4/5-11-07 | 5-0
4142 | Y/S | Congo Spear. |   | 8-6