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[[5 column table]]

4143 | Y/S | Congo Spear | E4/5-2-06 | 6-0
4144 | Y/S | Congo Spear |   | 8-6
4145 | Y/S | Congo Spear | P16/28-11-13 | [[written over previous]]12-0[[/written over previous]]
4146 | Y/S | Congo Spear | P16/28-11-13 | [[written over previous]]12-0[[/written over previous]]
4147 | S/- | Gaboon Axe. engraved. | C11/3-5-06 | 1-0-0
4148 | GM/S | Gaboon Cleaver in human skin sheath. C. | N9/17-10-10 | [[written over previous]]2-0-0[[/written over previous]]
4149 | G/- | Congo Bow with rattles. Monbuthe K |   |
4150 | -/G | Congo Arrow |   | 2-6
4151 | -/G | Congo Arrow |   | 2-0
4152 | -/G | Congo Arrow |   | 1-6
4153 | -/G | Congo Arrow | P16/28-11-13 | [[written over previous]]1-6[[/written over previous]]
4154 | -/G | Congo Arrow |   | 1-0
4155 | -/G | Congo Arrow | S8/14-8-03 | 1-0
4156 | -/G | Congo Arrow [[small line drawing]] | W12/22-4-04 | 2-0
4157 | -/G | Congo Arrow [[small line drawing]] |   | 2-6
4158 | -/G | Congo Arrow [[small line drawing]] | G6/26-11-03 | 2-0
4159 | -/G | Congo Arrow [[small line drawing]] C | P16/28-11-13 | [[written over previous]]3-0[[/written over previous]]
4160 | -/G | Congo Arrow wood head. |   | -6
4161 | -/G | Congo Arrow wood head. | M28/3-5-09 | [[written over previous]]-10[[/written over previous]]
4162 | -/G | Congo Arrow wood head. | N9/17-10-10 | [[written over previous]]1-0[[/written over previous]]
4163 | -/S | Congo 12 Darts. Aruwisei | P16/28-11-13 | [[written over previous]]3-6[[/written over previous]]
4164 | -/M | Congo Paddle. | S4/6-10-08 | 2-0
4165 | -/M | Congo Paddle. burnt decoration. | H2/1-7-03 | 3-6
4166 | G/- | Congo Whip hippo hide. | D5/7-4-04 | 5-0
4167 | G/I | Zulu Assegai | F5/8-9-03 | 4-6
4168 | G/I | Zulu Assegai |   | 3-0
4169 | G/I | Zulu Assegai | T3/12-10-03 | 3-0
4170 | G/I | Zulu Assegai | T3/12-10-03 | 3-0
4171 | G/I | Zulu Assegai | T3/12-10-03 | 3-0
4172 | G/I | Zulu Assegai | F6/17-10-03 | 5-6
4173 | Y/S | Turkey F.L. Pistol | O4/1904-8 | 2-6
4174 | Y/S | Turkey F.L. Pistol |   | 10-0
4175 | GA/- | India Sword "Pattisa"; sheath. C/22 |   | 1-10-0
4176 | G/N/- | India Dagger. rare. Nepal C. | S35/29-6-12 | 2-2-0
4177 | Y/GA/- | Turkey Officer's Sword silver mounts. | L2/7-3-07 | 3-7-6
4178 | Y/S | Ceylon Knife |   | 8-6
4179 | T/S | Australia Skull Cup | W1/3-10-03 | 2-0-0
4180 | Y/S | Abyssinia "Marriage Ceremonial Horn. | C11/3-5-06. | 1-1-0