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[[5 column table]]

5283|/G|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone. Eoroko|G14/9-8-09|[[written over original]]2-0[[/written over original]]
5284|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone. Eoroko|G6/4-2-04|3-0
5285|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone. Eoroko|S4/20-10-08|4-0
5286|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone.|G14/9-8-09|[[written over original]]2-0[[/written over original]]
5287|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone.|   |4-0
5288|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone. Eoroko|R16/14-9-07|5-0
5289|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone. Eoroko|G6/4-2-04|3-6
5290|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone.|G14/9-8-09|[[written over original]]2-0[[/written over original]]
5291|-/GG|New Guinea Lime Spatula of bone.|P16/17-6-12|[[written over original]]8-0[[/written over original]]
5292|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |7-6
5293|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5294|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|P16/7-6-13|15-0
5295|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|D5/7-4-04|7-0
5296|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|P16/7-6-13|15-0
5297|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered. C/22|   |7-6
5298|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|P16/7-6-13|[[written over original]]10-0[[/written over original]]
5299|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|A5/5-1-04|6-0
5300|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5301|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5302|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5303|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|C28/8-11-10|7-6|
5304|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered. [[diagonal across this line and next line]]/6-to8/-[[/diagonal across this line and next line]]|F13/28-3-05|6-0
5305|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5306|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5307|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|[[faint]]N4/3-3-?|6-6
5308|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|M28/3-5-09|6-0
5309|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|M28/3-5-09|6-0
5310|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|C11/24-11-04|8-0
5311|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5312|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5313|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5314|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|P16/7-6-13|10-0
5315|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|B20/26-4-05|5-0
5316|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|S15/24-10-04|5-6
5317|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5318|   |New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|   |   |
5319|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|E4/10-1-06|6-0
5320|G/G|New Guinea Shield, cane covered.|P16/7-6-13|8-0