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[[5 column table]]

5701|M/GT/-|England. Pair D.B.F.L. Pistols by Barbar, silver mts.|H11/30-3-04|5-15-0
5702|M/-/-|England. D.B. Sporting Gun FL. by Allport.|H11/30-3-04|4-15-0
5703|T/S|England. Double Pistol P.C. attached to Knife.|H2/12-4-04|1-0-0
5704|I/-|China Figure of bronze Buddha|S4/6-2-06|10-0
5705|I/-|China Figure of bronze Buddha|R8/29-9-05|1-0-0
5706|C/-|China Figure of bronze Standing Conficus|R8/29-9-05|1-6-0
5707|T/S|Stuffed Group. Mongoose killing Cobra.|S15/8-9-04|1-1-0
5708|Y/S|Marquesan Ivory Ear Ornament K|   |   |
5709|Y/S|Morocco Powder Flask.|F15/29-5-06|5-0
5710|T/-|Nubia Shield [[drawing]]|   |17-6
5711|T/-|Nubia Shield|P10/3-7-05|18-0
5712|T/-|Nubia Shield|C11/23-4-08|1-0-0
5713|I/-|E. Africa Shield [[drawing]] of giraffe hide Karamoga.|C11/27-2-05|1-15-0
5714|GX/-|Azaudeh Shield of basket work.|C11/27-2-05|1-1-0
5715|GX/-|Azaudeh Shield of basket work.|C16/14-9-05|11-0
5716|A/-|Soudan Fighting Coat. Jebbet.|R20/12-10|[[written over original]]15-0[[/written over original]]
5717|A/-|Soudan Fighting Coat. Jebbet.|S4/5-11-07|10-0
5718|T/-|Soudan Spear. v. large blade.|M11/3-11-04|17-6
5719|Y/GX/-|Ancient Persian Helmet.|M5/3-5-04|4-4-0
5720|S/-|China Guitar.|W8/7-2-07|1-0-0
5721|A/-|Bhotan Sword in half sheath|H5/4-10-06|12-6
5722|Y/-|Japan carved [[underlined]]ivory[[/underlined]] Knive & sheath.|H14/11-5-04|7-6
5723|G/S|Japan Lac Dagger & sheath|   |6-0
5724|GX/-|New Caledonia Club, bird type.|C11/24-8-04|1-12-6
5725|-/S|American Pocket Knife. v. old.|   |2-6
5726|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|B38/14-6-09|7-6
5727|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|C11/11-4-08|7-6
5728|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket On Tapper Eoroko, Oro Bay|P16/7-6-13|[[written over original]]1-10-0[[/written over original]]
5729|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|F20/24-9-10|1-12-0
5730|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|S22/15-9-05|3-0
5731|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket [[written diagonally across this line and following two lines]]8/-to12/6[[/written diagonally across this line and following two lines]] Eoroko, Oro Bay|C11/30-4-07|5-0
5732|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|P16/7-6-13|[[written over original]]1-5-0[[/written over original]]
5733|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|P16/7-6-13|[[written over original]]1-5-0[[/written over original]]
5734|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|C11/11-4-08|7-6
5735|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|B21/5-4-07|7-6
5735|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket Eoroko, Oro Bay|J9/3-11-06|6-6
5737|-/M|New Guinea Mourning Jacket damaged. Eoroko, Oro Bay|   |12-6
5738|-/M|   |   |1-1-0