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[[5 column table]]

8399|G/S|New Guinea Lime Knife.|F17/26-9-06|-4-0
8400|Y/-|New Guinea Lime Knife. tortoise shell|H17/23-9-05|1-0-0
8401|G/-|New Guinea Lime Knife. tortoise shell small|P16/17-6-12|[[written over original]]7-0[[/written over original]]
8402|Y/-|Solomon Pan Pipe|W8/26-12-05|-10-6
8403|Y/-|Solomon Pan Pipe C|S21/4-9-08|-8-0
8404|GX/-|New Guinea Axe head Currency. v. large. C|P16/7-6-13|1-0-0
8405|/-|Ireland. Fake Arrow-head flint.|   |-1-0
8406|M/S|England. Rush light holder.|L12/11-1-06|-8-0
8407|Y/-|Swazi Steatite Pipe|F20/1-8-08|-5-0
8408|G/-|S. America Stirrup.|   |-2-6
8409|M/-|England Mahogany Gun Case|   |-15-0
8410|Y/S|England Mahogany Gun Case|   |-15-0
8411|Y/S|England Oak Gun Case|   |-15-0
8412|M/S|New Britain Armlet shell, massive.|H17/23-9-05|-5-0
8413|I/-|S. E. Africa Axe carved Makololo.|P16/28-1-13|[[written over original]]1-1-0[[/written over original]]
8414|Y/S|Eupope Dagger & sheath C.|   |-15-0
8415|-/S|A Mexico Steatite Carving.|S4/3-12-07|-7-0
8416|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|J6/16-6-05|-3-6
8417|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|H5/28-6-05|-3-6
8418|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Till/|-3-6
8419|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|H5/19-7-05|-3-6
8420|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|[[faint lettering]]|-3-0
8421|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Mr Tilling 18/8/12|-3-0
8422|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Serin/5-8-05|-3-6
8423|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Mother/|-3-0
8424|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Con/|-3-0
8425|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|S27/23-7-06|-1-6
8426|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|Ruthe/|-3-0
8427|G/S|Australia Necklet, strung shells|   |-3-0
8428|GX/-|Assam War Hat (Tusk No 963 used) Naga|C11/17-10-05|1-2-0
8429|GX/-|Assam War Hat (Tusk No 963 used) Naga|C11/17-10-05|-18-6
8430|G/S|Assam Ear Ornament Naga|C11/17-10-05|-6-0
8431|Y/S|Mashona Snuff Box Manica|L12/20-2-06|-6-0
8432|G/S|S. Africa Pipe|[[?]]W17/3-4-11[[/?]]|[[written over original]]-4-0[[/written over original]]
8433|G/S|Solomon Comb.|C13/15-7-05|-6-0
8434|G/-|England 16th Cent Horse Bell|R8/29-9-05|-4-0
8435|G/-|England 16th Cent Horse Bell|H19/1-1-06|-4-0
8436|-/M|Roman Hair Pin. Dolphin.|H19/1-1-06|-4-0

Transcription Notes:
8420 Faint lettering looks like Con (?)