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[[5 column table]]

9007|G/-|New Guinea Axe-head. C. Nelson|P16/4-6-13|[[written over original]]-6-6[[/written over original]]
9008|N/-|Japan Picture, silk-work. K|   |-10-0
9009|I/-|Japan Picture, cut velvet K|   |-10-0
9010|A/-|Japan Picture, cut velvet|J2/15-12-05|-7-0
9011|T/S|Eskimo Harpoon Head.|S4/5-11-07|-10-0
9012|G/GA/-|Samoa Club. carved.|R12/12-2-07|2-17-6
9013|M/S|A. Egypt Head-rest.|S4/5-2-07|-5-0
9014|Y/-|Fiji Head-rest.|S4/5-2-07|-5-0
9015|T/S|N. Australia Instrument to teach Boomerang throwing.|L12/11-1-06|-17-6
9016|I/-|New Guinea Bull roarer. carved. C.|C27/3-5-10|[[written over original]]-12-6[[/written over original]][[check mark]]
9017|N/-|New Guinea Bull roarer. plain.|W22/5-9-07|-5-0
9018|N/-|New Guinea Bull roarer. plain.|C27/3-5-10|-7-6[[check mark]]
9019|N/-|New Guinea Bull roarer. plain.|R12/16-11-06|-7-6
9020|S/-|Java Musical Instrument "Auklung. 3 notes|Y3/26-3-06|1-5-6
9021|N/-|Java Musical Instrument "Auklung. 2 notes|W8/10-2-06|-16-6
9022|G/X/X|S. India Mace.|H5/9-10-07|2-5-0
9023|/-|S. Sea. Bone Pendant|F9/19-12-05|-6-6
9024|/-|S. Sea. Bone Pendant|F9/19-12-05|-6-0
9025|-/S|China Pair Scales|R12/9-1-07|-4-0
9026|-/S|China Pair Scales|S4/20-10-08|-7-0
9027|G/-|Borneo. Bull-roarer. Kenyah.|--|-8-6
9028|G/-|Solomon Ear Ornament [[drawing]]|L12/11-1-06|-5-0
[[next four lines joined by bracket with price of -3-6]]
9029|-/M|Curio. Section of Cable|--|   |}3-6
9030|-/M|Curio. Section of Cable|--|   |}
9031|-/M|Curio. Section of Cable|--|   |}
9032|-/M|Curio. Section of Cable|--|   |}
9033|Y/M|Canada Pair Snow Shoes.|U2/09|[written over original]]-10-0[[/written over original]]
[[next five lies joined by bracket]]
9034|-/M|Deer Foot. Elk Calf.|S4/1-1-12|-3       }
9035|-/M|Deer Foot. Big-horn Ram|S4/1-1-12|-3    }
9036||-/M|Deer Foot. Prong horn Antelope|S4/1-1-12|}   2/6-
9037|-/M|Deer Foot. White tail Stag|S4/1-1-12|   |}
9038|-/M|Deer Foot. White tail Stag|S4/1-1-12|   |}
9039|A/-|Pair Sable Antelope Horns|M23/9-8-07|1-17-6
9040|-/C|S. Africa Assegai|W19/26-1-06|-4-0
9041|-/C|S. Africa Assegai|W19/26-1-06|-4-0
9042|-/C|S. Africa Assegai|W19/26-1-06|-4-0
9043|-/C|S. Africa Assegai|E4/10-1-06|-2-6
9044|-/C|S. Africa Assegai|E4/10-1-06|-2-6