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[[5-column table]]

10679 | G/  | Natal Quiver of hide  Griqua West | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0
10680 | Y/- | New Gunea Lime Knife. Dolphin bone. C | C11/30-4-07 | 1-7-6
10681 | T/S | Liberia Figure ivory   | W1/18-12-06 | 10-0
10682 | G/S | S. Africa Sweat scraper iron *  | R12/29-9-06 | 1-6
10683 | M/- | New Guinea Betel-nut mortar.  | L12/9-10-06 | 5-0
10684 | Y/- | New Guinea Nose Pin.  | C11/30-4-07 | 3-6
10685 | Y/- | New Hanover Nose Pin Expedition Bay | L12/23-8-06 | 4-6
10686 | M/S | Solomon Arm Ornament. cut shell  # | -- | 1-0-0
10687 | M/GX/- | England "Manton" Revolving 2 [[?]] Pistol. FL. C | D6/21-12-06 | 4-15-0
10688 | I/- | Persia Powder Primer. pierced steel. | L12/26-11-06 | 1-2-6
10689 | G/- | Persia Knife modern  | R20/12-10 | 1-0
10690 | G/- | Persia Knife modern  | R20/12-10 | 1-0
10691 | GX/- | Fiji Coury ivory ex large  # | -- | 17-6
10692 | M/- | Fiji Coury small.  | C11/30-4-07 | 10-0
10693 | T/S | Santa Cruz I. Shell Ornament  | B21/5-4-07 | 12-6
10694 | GY/S | Solomon Belt. purpose teeth & beads.  C | F20/6-5-11 | 1-5-0
10695 | Y/S | Solomon Necklet shell  | -- | 10-0
10696 | Y/S | Santa Cruz I Necklet. shell  | F16/22-12-06 | 7-0
10697 | Y/S | New Guinea Ornament.  | B16/29-9-06 | 5-6
10698 | M/S | Tahiti Fish hook.  | C11/30-4-07 | 8-0
10699 | G/S | Friendly I. Fish hook  | J1/14-8-06 | 4-0
10700 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | -- | 1-0
10701 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | -- | 1-0
10702 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  |R12/18-9-06 | -8
10703 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0
10704 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | B40/13-7-10 | 2-0
10705 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0
10706 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | R12/18-9-06 | -8
10707 | -/G | A: Greek Arrow-head of bronze  | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0
10708 | Y/N | Persia  56 Metal Charms.  | S4/17-1207 | 2-10-0
10709 | GX/- | England F. L. Gun to fire from left shoulder.  | S40/13-11-12 | 2-5-0
10710 | Y/- | England F. L. Gun Trade. red stock.  | R20/12-10 | 2-0
10711 | G/- | S. Africa Assegai. | M28/3-5-09 | 3-6 
10712 | G/- | Soudan Spear.  | S4/5-11-07 | 2-0
10713 | I/- | New Zealand Haui plain.  | D16/1-6-10 | 1-8-0
10714 | GX/- | India Buddha. ivory gilt.  C | R8/20-4-07 | 16-0
10715 | M/- | India Brass work Bull.  C | T11/9-7-07 | 7-0
10716 | A/- | India Shrine.  C | -- | 1-10-0