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[[5 column table]]

11439 | 6/. | New Guinea Charm Bag See No |   | 1-6
11440 | 6/. | New Guinea Charm Bag See No |   | 1-6
11441 | A/S | Niger Ivory Whistle Egga C | B38/14-6-09 | 10-0
11442 | N/. | Niger Ivory Whistle Egga C | C11/30-4-07 | 10-0
11443 | y/S | Niger Ivory Whistle Egga C | S4/16-10-06 | 7-0
11444 | N/./. | N. Ireland Idol Man & Cray fish | E5/6-12-06 | 7-0-0
11445 | Y/./. | N. Ireland Idol smaller | G9/18/1/07 | 4-0-0
11446 | Y/S | Tahiti fish hook bone back | C11/30-4-07 | 7-6
11447 | Y/S | Tahiti fish hook Tortoise shell | R16/9/7/07 | 9-0
11448 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani | F20/3.10.08 | 1-15-0
11449 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani plain tongue | P16/6.2.11 | 1-15-0
11450 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani | S4/22.12.08 | 3-9-0
11451 | G/-/- | Java Pipe, horn, large | H16/10.10.06 | 3-3-0
11452 | GX/- | Congo Pipe C | R16/14.9.07 | 18-0
11453 | C/- | Admiralty I. Frontlet | B16/10.12.06 | 1-0-0
11454 | GX/- | New Guinea Frontlet  | B16/10.12.06 | 1-0-0
11455 | GX/- | Tonga Neck Ornament  | B16/10.12.06 | 1-0-0
11456 | G/- | New Guinea Nose Ornament tortoise shell  | F20/1.8.08 | 3-0
11457 | A/- | Solomon Comb inlaid shell  | F20/1.8.08 | 7-0
11458 | S/GA/- | Nepal Sacrificial Axe. V. large. | C11/30.4.07 | 10-10-0
11459 | GA/- | Java Sword [[image - drawing]] |  | 1-10-0
11460 | Y/S | Java Knife, horn sheath | T12/22.7.07 | 7-6
11461 | Y/S | Java Knife brass blade |  | 7-6
11462 | 1/- | S. America Dress | E5/6.12.06 | 10-0
11463 | /- | Zulu Necklet of wood |  | 3-6
11464 | GA/- | New Hebrides Club pierced end C | D16/1.6.10 | 2-2-0
11465 | G/- | New Guinea Club stone, disc |  | 6-0
11466 | G/- | New Guinea Dagger-Club  Maipua | P16/7.6.13 | 10-6
11467 | G/- | New Guinea ? Object [[image - drawing]] |  | 7-0
11468 | G/- | Zulu Knob Kerry |  | 2-6
11469 | G/- | N. Africa Musical Instrument |  | 1-6
11470 | Y/GT/S | Tahiti Stool | C12/1.11.06 | 3-12-6
11471 | Y/GA/- | Brit: Columbia Bowl | C12/1.11.06 | 3-14-6
11472 | M/GA/- | Eskimo Scraper, ivory, jade stone | E5/6.12.06 | 5-0-0
11473 | A/GA/- | India Matchlock Gun, gold & silver mts. inlaid ivory C | S40/23.4.12 | 11-10-0
11474 | G/-/- | Ughan Matchlock Gun | S4/19.11.07 | 2-0-0
11475 | GX/- | W. Africa Egbo Dancing Dress | W23/5.11.06 | 15-0
11476 | A/- | W. Africa Idol male, black | S4/8.3.07 | 1-12-6