Viewing page 28 of 300

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[[5 column table]]

12161|N/- |Ashanti Gold Weight of brass C|F20/1-8-08|-4-8
12162|G/C |Ashanti Gold Weight of brass C|F20/1-8-08|-4-8
12163|G/C |Ashanti Gold Weight of brass C|F20/1-8-08|-4-8
12164|GA/- |Ashanti 24 large Stone Beads. Sekonde. C|G6/5-12-07 | 1-10-0
12165|M/S |C. Africa Quiver of carved wood|J12/3-3-13|[[written over]]-10-0[[/written over]]
12166|M/S |W Africa Dancing Hat.|F18/12-8-07|-7-6
12167|GG/GX/- |New Zealand Canoe Bailer.|E5/8-7-07|16-0-0
12168|M/-/- |New Ireland Idol. 30" high.|S4/5-11-04|5-0-0 
12169|GY/S |Ceylon "Disease" Mask. C|S4/23-10-07|1-7-6 
12170|GY/S |Vancouver Paddle. painted, chipped. Umlauff.|U2/09|[[written over]]1-12-6[[/written over]] 
12171|-/S |Japan Sword Guard|C7/18-3-07|-2-0
12172|Y/S |Japan Sword Guard|D9/7-12-07|-3-6
12173|-/S |Japan Sword Guard|C7/18-3-07|-3-0
12174|-/A |Japan Sword Guard|C24/26-10-07|-2-6
12175|G/-/- |Fiji Paddle-Club. C|C11/17-12-09|[[written over]]3-0-0[[/written over]]
12176|GX/- |Tonga Fan shaped club.|P16/27-11-11|[[written over]]1-10-0[[/written over]]
12177|GX/- |Fiji Winged root Club. extra large. C|P16/27-11-11|[[written over]]2-5-0[[/written over]]
12178|C/- |Fiji Winged root Club.  |D16/1-6-10|[[written over]]1-3-0[[/written over ]]
12179|M/- |Fiji Club. straight ex: thick.|P16/27-11-11|[[written over original]]1-0-0[[/written over original]]
12180|M/- |Fiji Club. straight carved end.|P16/27-11-11|[[written over original]]1-0-0[[/written over original]]
12181|A/- |Fiji Belt Club v. fine|--|-15-0
12182|N/S |Fiji Belt Club small.|--|-10-0
12183|GX/- |New Caledonia Spear. mask.|P16/6-2-11|1-5-0
12184| /S |New Hebrides Spear.|--|-2-6
12185|T/S |Borneo Ear Ring of brass.|R16/22-7-07|-10-0
12186|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|-- |-1-0
12187|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|W22/16-6-07|-1-0
12188|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|W22/16-6-07|-1-0
12189|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|W22/16-6-07|-1-0
12190|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|W22/16-6-07|-1-0
12191|-/S |Tibet Ring said to be of human bone|W22/16-6-07|-1-0
12192|Y/GX/- |Hervey Ceremonial Spear.|D16/1-6-10|[[written over]]5-5-0[[/written over]]
12193|Y/GX/- |Hervey Ceremonial Spear.larger [[written over]]C[[written over]]|P16/6-2-11|[[written over]]6-0-0[[/written]]
12194|T/S |India Tulwar. silver hilt.|-- |-10-6
12195|N/- |Nepal Kukri & sheath.|Q1/17-10-07|-7-6
12196|Y/- |Europe. P. C. Pistol. curious action.| -- |-8-6
12197|A/- |Fiji Club. gun-stock.| --  |-17-0
12198|G/- |Large Fossil Shark tooth.| --  |-3-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9-21