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[[5 column table]]

12503| A/S | India Axe. Chola Nagpur | -- | 16-0
12504 | A/S | India Axe. Chola Nagpur | -- | 16-0
12505 | A/S | India Axe. 2 prong Chola Nagpur | -- | 1-0-0
12506 | GX/ | India Axe. 4 prong | C11/11-4-08 | 1-10-0
12507 | T/S | India Dagger; Katar prong with 2 small knives in sheath.  C. | -- | 1-2-6
12508 | N/-  | Solomon Club | -- | 10-0
12509 | S/-  | Upper Nile - Congo. Club. D^or | C11/23-4-08 | 1-7-6
12510 | T/S  | W. Africa Powder Flask. Bornu | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0
12511 | N/-  | N. America Scalping Knife & Sheath. C | C20/30-8-07 |  15-0
12512 | -/GX | W. Africa armlet wood inlaid wire | -- | 4-0
12513 | -/I | W. Africa armlet wood inlaid wire | -- | 4-0
12514 | -/I | W. Africa amulet wood inlaid wire | -- | 4-0
12515 | -/S | W. Africa armlet brass | L10/9-9-08 | -6
12516 | -/I | W. Africa armlet brass | -- | -9
12517 | -/I | W. Africa armlet brass | P16/28-11-08 | -9
12518 | G/- | W. Africa Gourd Engraved | -- | 1-6
12519 | -/S | Zanzibar Comb | S4/19-11-07 | 1-0
12520 | -/S | Zanzibar Comb | L10/6-5-07 | -6
12521 | S/-/- | Burmah Sword. Sheath & hilt of pierced ivory.  | S4/21-12-07 | 7-0-0
12522 | S/-/- | New Zealand Hand Club. "Kotiate" [[drawing]]  | R12/25-4-07 | 7-0-0
12523 | G/GX/- | India Bran Trumpet. C | E20/26-9-13 | 2-15-0
12524 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. Wood, head like stone.  | G6/5-12-07 | 1-5-0
12525 | GX/- | Tibet Charm set turquoise C| P16/6-2-11 | 1-0-0
12526 | GX/- | Tibet Charm set turquoise [[strikeout]] C [[/strikeout]] | W22/24-4-07 | 1-1-0
12527 | G/GX/- | Solomon Model Canoe | D16/1-6-10 | 2-0-0
12528 | S/S | Australia Shield | F18/12-8-07 | 12-6
12529 | M/S | Australia Boomerang  N.W.C. [[circle]] C [[/circle]] | M35/10-11-[[14?]] | 8-6
12530 | C/- | Australia Spear-thrower carved | F20/1-8-08 | 17-0
12531 | GA/- | Australia Club. v. rare | C11/23-4-08 | 2-2-0
12532 | G/- | Society I. Spear or Deity offering K | -- | 2-2-0
12533 | I/- | Zulu Shield    | --  | 12-6
12534 | Y/- | Zulu Bead Dress & Belt  | S4/5-11-07 | 4-0
12535 | -/S | G. New Guinea Bag dec Shells Taken for [[Tenim?]] Balls. | -- | 2-6
12536 | -/S | New Guinea Necklet | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0
12537 | -/M | New Guinea Necklet white shells | L10/1-7-07 |  -6
12538 | -/M | New Guinea Necklet nuts & seeds | L10/1-7-07 |  -6
12539 | Y/- | Prussia Helmet | S4/1915 | 4-0
12540 | G/- | China "Cash" Sword used as charm against sickness. | S4/20-11-08 | 4-0

[[/5 column table]]

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9-24 AW