Viewing page 47 of 300

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[[5 Column Table]]

12883 |-/A | A: Cent: America Vase. c | -- | 1-0

12884 |    | A: Cent: America Vase.   | -- | 6-6

12885 |-/A | A: Cent: America Vase. c |S4/19-11-07 |  -10

12886 |    | A: Cent: America Vase.  | -- | 6-6

12887 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment, mask c | -- | 5-0

12888 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment, mask c | -- | 4-0

12889 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment, mask c | -- | 3-0

12890 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment, mask c | -- | 1-0

12891 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment, mask c | -- | 2-0

12892 |    | A: Cent: America Small Figure.  c | -- | 5-0

12893 |-/A | A: Cent: America Small Idol or Fig. c | S4/1-1-12 | }  
12894 |-/A | A: Cent: America Small Idol or Fig. c | S4/1-1-12 | }  [[written over]] 5-6[[/written over]]
12895 |-/A | A: Cent: America Small Idol or Fig. c | S4/1-1-12 | }

12896 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment. Foot.  c | -- | 2-0

12897 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment. Foot.  c | -- |  -6

12898 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment. Foot.  c | -- |  -6

12899 |    | A: Cent: America Fragment. Foot.  c | -- | 1-0

12900 |-/A | A: Cent: America Fragment. Foot.  c | -- | 1-0

12901 |-/A | A: Cent: America Stone Fragment of Fig c | -- | 7-6

12902 |S/- | German New Guinea Canoe Ornament. | M28/3-5-09 |[[written over]]18-0[[/written over]]

12903 |S/- | German New Guinea Canoe Ornament. c | -- | 16-0

12904 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | P16/7-6-13  | [[written over]]5-0[[/written over]]

12905 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | D16/1-6-10  | [[written over]]16-6[[/written over]]

12906 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | P16/7-6-13  | [[written over]]7-0[[/written over]]

12907 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | L10/6-5-07  | 5-6

12908 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | P16/7-6-13  | [[written over]]8-0[[/written over]]

12909 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | P16/7-6-13  |[[written over]]10-0[[/written over]]

12910 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | -- |  5-0

12911 |-/M | German New Guinea String Bag | -- | [[written over]]5-0[[/written over]]

12912 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- | [[written over]]1-0[[/written over]]

12913 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | F16/5-12-10 |  1-0

12914 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- |  -9

12915 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- |  -9

12916 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- |  -9

12917 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- |  -9

12918 |-/G | German New Guinea CN.Sago Scoup | -- |  -9

12919 |-/G | German New Guinea Head Carrier  | C11/11-4-08 | 8-6

12920 |-/G | German New Guinea Head Carrier  | C11/11-4-08 | 8-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 9/25 AW