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[[5 column table]]

[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

14061 | A/- | Tierra del Fuego bone Spear-head c | W1/11-10-10 | -6-0

14062 | A/- | Tierra del Fuego bone Spear-head small | R17/6-11-07 | -6-0

14063 | M/S | Tierra del Fuego bone Spear-head small | -- | -6-0

14064 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club, Orewa, wrist loop. | B16/3-7-08 | 2-5-0

14065 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club, Orewa, small | B16/3-7-08 | 1-15-0

14066 | GA/-| Pair China Cloissone' Bowls. [[image]] | -- | 4-4-0

14067 | N/- | Turkey Pistol Loading Rod. | -- | -10-0

14068 | I/- | India Dagger ivory hilt. | H5/9-10-07 | -18-0

14069 | T/- | Europe Sheath silver mts. | -- | 1-7-6

14070 | GA/-| Europe Book Naval & Military Trophies. | S4/23-10-07 | -17-0

14071 | G/- | Japan Sword signed  blade only | C7/19-12-12 | -4-0

14072 | Y/S | New Guinea Club Disc. | C28/29-10-10| -16-0

14073 | Y/S | New Guinea Club Disc. | -- | -16-0

14074 | S/- | New Guinea Club Pine long | P16/7-6-13 | 2-[[7 or 9]]-6

14075 | S/- | New Guinea Club Pine short | -- | 1-7-6

14076 | I/- | New Guinea Club Star. | -- | 2-5-0

14077 | GA/-| North America Pipe inlaid head, two figs | H16/28-12-07 | 2-0-0

14078 | S/- | North America Pipe plain. | F7/7-3-11 | -8-6

14079 | I/- | Brit. Guiana Club, engraved wood. | U2/09 | 1-5-0

14080 | Y/S | Malay Spear-head, large | -- | -4-6

14081 | S/-/- | New Zealand [[Hani?]], carved all over, broken in middle | P16/6-2-11 | 14-0-0

14082 | G/-/- | New Zealand [[Hani?]], plain | S4/5-11-07 | 1-5-0

14083 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Wood Carving Pilaster K| -- | 30- - 

14084 | Y/-/- | Raratonga Diety. K| -- | 30-0-0

14085 | A/- | Uganda Drum. | S4/5-11-07 | -10-0

14086 | Y/S | Emu Egg. | -- | -3-6

14087 | GX/- | W.Australia Tomahawk. [[image]] | B30/25-3-08 | 1-1-0

14088 | GT/S | Europe 4 barreled F.L. Pistol, damaged. | D6/13-1-08 | 3-3-0

14089 | T/S | Phillipine Spear  C Euganno. | S4/19-11-07 | -12-6

14090 | C/S | India Plate & Chain Helmet. | -- | 2-0-0

14091 | GA/-| India Plate & Chain Coat. | F18/18-12-08 | 5-0-0

14092 | A/- | India Leggings of mail. | -- | 2-0-0

14093 | GA/-| Sierra Leone Snuff Box & spoon of silver  Mendi. | 16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0

14094 | A/S | Sierra Leone Snuff Box & spoon of bone.  Mendi. | L12/22-4-09 | -11-6

14095 | G/- | Sierra Leone Ancient Agate Bead (Tingois) Mendi. | W22/2-7-07 | -5-0

14096 | G/- | Sierra Leone Ancient Agate Bead (Tingois) Mendi. | W22/2-7-07 | -5-0

14097 | G/- | Sierra Leone Ancient Agate Bead (Tingois) Mendi. | W22/2-7-07 | -5-0

14098 | G/- | Sierra Leone Ancient Agate Bead (Tingois) Mendi. | W22/2-7-07 | -5-0


Transcription Notes:
Proofread 10/1 AW