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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

15695 | Y/- | Union Fish hook, bone. | F9/14-12-07 | -4-6
15696 | Y/- | Union Fish hook, cn shell  | F9/14-12-07 | -4-6
15697 | G/S | Union Fish hook, ivory. K. | -- | 1-0-0
15698 | N/- | Zambesi Double Snuff Box with loop all of wood. | L12/21-12-07 | -8-6
15699 | GS/- | Brit. Columbia Shale Pipe, rare[[drawing]]carved & inlaid | H16/28-12-07 | 1-15-0
15700 | Y/M | Tanganyika Hippo tusk charm. | -- | -12-6
15701 | -/M | Turkey Pipe Bowl. | -- | -1-0
15702 | M/- | Easter I Obsidian Chisel or Spear head. | C11/17/12/09|[[written over original]] 15-0[[/written over original]]

[[next two lines joined by bracket with price 1-5-0]]
15703 | G/- | New Guinea Pestle, carved wood. }  C|F16/5-10-11 |12-6
15704 | G/- | New Guinea mortar.              }  C|F16/5-10-11 |12-6

15705 | -/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament, t:shell & pink shell. |--| -3-6
15706 | -/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament, t:shell & pink shell. |--| -3-6
15707 | -/C | New Guinea Marriage Ornament,(Haddon) Mer I |  | [[written over original]]-8-6 [[written over original]]

[[next two lines joined by bracket with price 1-6-0]]
15708 | -/S | New Guinea Armlet shell, cut pink shell ornament} |P16/7-6/13 |12-6
15709 | -/S | New Guinea Armlet shell, cut pink shell ornament} |P16/7-6/13 |12-6

15710 | Y/- | New Guinea Breast Ornament, Ovolum shell & tusk, v. fine | C11/11-4-08 | 16-6
15711 | -/S | New Guinea Frontlet cut cowry shell Currency Rigo. | P16/7-6-13| [[written over]] 14-6 or 12-0[[written over]]
15712 | -/S | New Guinea Frontlet pig teeth Rigo. | P16/7-6-13| [[written over]] -16-0 [[written over]]
15713 | -/S | New Guinea Rasp., ray skin. | P16/7-6-13| [[written over]] -10-0 [[written over]]
15714 | -/M | New Guinea Ornament white shell. | -- | -2-6 
15715 | -/M | Union Axe head, small |--| -6-0 
15716 | -/M | Bird Skin Charm "[[Comeras Junitaya ?]] [[image: male sex symbol]]? U. Nile| P16/28-11-13|1-0
15717 | GX/-| Java Pipe of horn, v fine c |--| 3-10-0
15718 | GX/-| C.W. Africa Pipe | H16/28-12-07 | 1-10-0
15719 | GM/S| N. America Pipe with stem. [[Carpente?]]| C20/17-6-09|[[written over]] 2-7-6[[/written over]]
15720 | -/S | Turkey Water Pipe | S4/1-1-12 | [[written over]] -1-0 [[written over]]
15721 | -/S | Mashona Head rest c |--|[[written over]] -6-0 [[written over]]
15722 | -/M | Mashona Mans Ornament | F20/1-8-08 | -2-6
15723 | -/M | Mashona Mans Ornament | P16/28-11-13| -2-6
15724 | -/M | Mashona Knife | S4/1-12-08 | -4-0
15725 | -/M | Mashona Knife |--| -4-0
15726 | -/G | Mashona Armlet three fold |--| -2-0
15727 | -/G | Mashona Armlet | P16/28-11-13 | -2-0
15728 | -/G | Mashona Armlet | P16/28-11-13 | -2-0
15729 | -/G | Mashona Armlet |--| -2-0
15730 | -/G | Mashona Armlet singh | P16/28-11-13 | -1-0
15731 | -/Y | Zulu Snuff Spoon. |--| -2-0
15732 | -/Y | Zulu Snuff Spoon. |--| -2-6

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 11/7 AW