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17177 | m/- | England F. L. cannon Lock | E6/1-1-14 | 16-0
17178 | G/S | Ceylon ? Rattle Armlet | -- | 4-0
17179 | G/S | Ceylon ? Rattle Armlet |-- | 4-0
17180 | -/S | Ceylon Silvered copper armlet |--| 2-0 
17181 | -/S | Ceylon Silvered copper armlet |--| 2-0 
17182 | N/S | Siam Pellet Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 
17183 | /S | Turkey Knife|--| 1-0 
17184 | G/- | Japan Sword & Sheath | C7/19-12-12 | 4-0 
17185 | Y/- | Zanzibar Sword & Sheath | B45/2-4-13 | 8-6 
17186 | Gx/- | West Africa Totem Post | N9/17-10-10 | 1-0-0 
17187 | T/S | Tonga Club. carved grip c |--| 18-6 
17188 | G/-/- | Tibet Sword Gangtse | W22/16-6-08 | 2-0-0 
17189 | N/- | Tibet Awl with sheath of leg bone | W22/16-6-08 | 10-6
17190 | Y/S | Tibet Case of cane covd hide | W22/16-6-08 | 3-6
17191 | Y/S | Tibet set of playing cards 55. | W22/16-6-08 | 10-6
17192 | G/- | Tibet Ivory Domino | W22/16-6-08 | 2-0
17193 | A/S | Tibet Priests Begging Bowl | W22/16-6-08 | 10-0
17194 | N/- | Tibet Priests Begging Bowl cracked | W22/16-6-08 | 5-0
17195 | M/- | Tibet Priests Begging Bowl small | W22/16-6-08 | 10-0
17196 | Y/S | Fiji Belt of human hair plaited | W22/31-10-08 | 1-10-0
17197 | N/S | Siam Pellet Bow | F20/1-8-08 | 15-0
17198 | I/S | Morocco Dagger Agate & silver hilt C | F20/24-2-09 | 1-10-0
17199 | N/- | England Knife Pistol | E6/3-2-13 | 16-0
17200 |  /S | [[England?]] Quiver of hide. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-6
17201 | A/- | China Staff or Beam from scales brass inlay |--| 12-6
17202 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Wahaika. old. | C23-20-7-08 | 8-17-6
17203 | A/- | New Zealand Hani. |--| 1-18-0
17204 | N/-/- | Marquesas Club | S31/13-7-08 | 16-16-0
17205 | G/GX/- | Caroline Breast Ornament bone | F9/20-7-08 | 4-0-0
17206 | GX/- | Caroline Adze & haft shell blade | G6/20-7-08 | 2-2-6
17207 | GX/- | Caroline Adze & haft shell blade | G6/20-7-08 | 2-2-6
17208 | A/- | Caroline Paddle | D16/1-6-10 | 1-0-0
17209 | G/A/- | Mangaia Symbolic Adze | P16/6-2-11 | 6-0-0
17210 | G/A/- | Mangaia Symbolic Adze | P16/6-2-11 | 5-0-0
17211 | GX/- | Hervey Paddle | P16/6-2-11 | 3-5-0
17212 | G/-/- | Tonga Club carved v. finely C | P16/29-5-11 | 3-10-0
17213 | G/-/- | Tonga Club carved v. finely | P16/29-5-11 | 3-10-0
17214 | GA/- |Tonga Fiji Club inlaid ivory semi lobe C | B21/31-12-09 | 3-15-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 11-13 AW