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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

17595 | GA/- | Masai Shield | N9/17-10-10 | 1-10-0
17596 |  /S | Masai Belt | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0
17597 | Y/S | Masai Sime in sheath with belt. very narrow blades. |--| 1-1-0
17598 | Y/- | Masai Sime in sheath with belt. very narrow blades. |--| 16-0
17599 | Y/- | England Adams "Trauter" P.C. Revolver,new condition |--| 6-6
17600 | G/S | England "Pepperbox" Revolver | W23/14-9-10 | 7-6
17601 | G/S | England Pair P.C. Pistols by Fenton | E6/3-4-12 | 7-6
17602 | Y/- | England Pair P.C. Pistols brass cannon barrels French? | E6/4-11-12 | 8-6 [[?]]
17603 | - | England Shot-flask | E6/23-8-13 | 4-0
17604 | - | England Knife & sheath |--| 1-0
17605 | - | England XVIII Cent. Razor. |--| 6
17606 | - | G. New Guinea Armlet of a human jaw see No 4680 L1- | S4/1-12-08 | 10-0
17607 | GI/- | Mangaia Symbolic Adze-haft circular. |D16/1-6-10| 1-6-0
17608 | G/GM/- | Mangaia Symbolic Adze-haft septangular head 17,002 | T16/13-10-09 | 2-0-0
17609 | A/- | N. Australia Sword.paint decoration.|P16/27-11-11| 1-10-0
17610 | G/- | Australia Boomerang | A13/13-12-09 | 3-6
17611 | G/- | Australia Boomerang | P16/27-11-11 | 6-6
17612 |  /S | Australia Club; Nulla | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0
17613 |  /S | Australian Club | D16/1-6-10 | 4-0
17614 | S/- | New Guinea Club, stone head Emu egg | F20/24-9-10| 1-0-0
17615 | N/- | New Guinea Club, stone head fine |--| 18-6
17616 | Y/- | New Guinea Club, stone head disc |--| 8-6
17617 | G/S | New Guinea Pig Net | B38/14-6-09 | 7-6
17618 | A/- | New Guinea Shield. wood. not painted  Trobriand |--| 1-5-0
17619 |  /S | New Guinea Food Bowl. hard wood. long. pointed end Woodlark |--| 11-6
17620 |  /S | New Guinea Food Bowl hard wood. oval. carved rim. Woodlark | P16/7-6-13 | 8-0
17621 |  /S | New Guinea Food Bowl soft wood. carved [[?Fly]] R: | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6
17622 | GA/- | Tahiti Tappa Beater. | P16/6-2-11 | 1-10-0
17623 | G/G/- | Tibet Pipe Pouch & jade mouth piece. Korean type | W22/21-9-08 | 1-6-0
17624 | GX/- | Fiji Khava Bowl, pointed ends |--| 1-10-0
17625 | A/A/- | New Zealand Flute. plain | P16/6-2-11 | 9-0-0
17626 | A/-/- | Tibet Bronze gilt Diety. Demon with belt of heads standing on bull which is on pros figure| W22/3-10-08|5-10-0
17627 | GS/- | China. Mussel Shell with figures covered with shell | W22/3-10-08 | 1-1-0
17628 | N/-/- | New Zealand Teki Figure of wood. |--| 7-10-0 
17629 | G/S | New Zealand Carved fragment |--|--|
17630 | G/S | New Zealand Carved fragment |--|--|
17631 | G/- | New Zealand Carved fragment |--|--|
17632 | G/- | New Zealand Carved fragment |--|--|

Transcription Notes:
see new guideline re not notating preprinted, underline, superscript etc Proofread 11/16 AW