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[[5 column table]]
[[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Price]]

17785 | y/- | Europe. XVIII Cent. Meat Chopper  c|--| 5-0
17786 | G/- |     Sacrificial Knife, blade. |--| --  
17787 | G/- | India Pair Dancing Bells with grips of brass|--| 12-6
17788 | G/- | India Anklet of 10 small brass bells |--| 6-0
17789 | G/- | India Anklet of 10 small brass bells |--| 6-0
17790 |  /- | India 4 largh Bells |--| 4-
17791 |  /- | India 3 Small Bells |--| 2-
17792 | Y/- | North America Pouch decorated with beads | H28/21-6-09| 10-6
17793 | G/GX/- | New Zealand; Pouwhenia decorated ex. fine specimen |P16/6-2-11| 4-10-0
17794 | A/- | New Zealand Wood Meri. very old |--| 2-2-0
17795 | GY/S | New Zealand Staff [[image]]  | -- | ---
17796 | I/- | New Zealand Adze head |--| 1-5-0
17797 | S/S | New Zealand Adze head | P16/6-2-11| 1-5-0
17798 | Y/GY/S | Solomon Club carved in relief |C12/21-12-08| 5-5-0
17799 | G/A/- | New Zealand Model Canoe End & Halbard head. |--| ---
17800 | M/T/S | Marquesas State Club C| S31/7-12-10 | 15-0-0
17801 | A/- | India Box made entirely of cloves |--| 10-6
17802 |  /S | S Africa grass cover | L12/20-10-10| 2-0
17803 | G/T/S | Batavia Presentation Kris C| B43/16-10-12| 3-3-0
17804 | GA/- | Soudan Doll | F21/3-10-08 | 1-10-0
17805 | G/GX/- | Nigeria Medicine Mask Asaba | S4/28-10-08| 2-15-0
17806 | G/GX/- | Nigeria 4 headed Fetish Asaba | S4/1-12-08| 1-17-6
17807 | Y/-/- | Nigeria Axe ivory handle N. Yoruba C| S4/1915| 3-15-0
17808 | G/-/- | Nigeria Mask. hollow for speaking through  Brass R.| S4/13-10-08 | 6-0-0
17809 | GX/- | Nigeria Head painted yellow. Nsubi. | S4/20-10-08| 1-7-6
17810 | GA/- | Mendi "Minsereh" Fetish Figure used for working the Yassi Medicine.|M28/3-5-09| 1-10-0
17811 | GA/- | Mendi "Minsereh" Fetish Figure used for working the Yassi Medicine.|G14/12-7-09| 1-0-0
17812 | G/-/- | Nigeria Figure, colored white,black |S4/20-10-08| 1-15-0
17813 | GX/- | Ashanti Carving. Chief on horse back surrounded by 8 wives |S4/20-10-08| 1-5-0
17814 | GX/- | Swazi Carved Beer Pot & C|P16/28-11-13| 1-0-0
17815 | GX/- | Nigeria Staff with Figure.put among the crops |S4/20-10-08| 1-15-0
17816 | GX/- | Mendi Bundu Staff. | --| 1-2-6
17817 | A/- | Mendi Bundu Staff. | P16/28-11-13| 1-17-6
17818 | G/-/- | Benin Staff with bird on top. see ticket Wright |W22/26-10-09| 2-2-0
17819 | GX/- | C. Africa Knife with spear-point on sheath Lur. C| W29/18-8-11 | 1-2-6
17820 | T/S | W. Africa Bellows | P16/28-11-13| 2-2-0
17821 | T/S | W. Africa Bellows | H17/19-3-09| 1-12-6
17822 | G/-/- | Benin Tray. large. | W22/27-5-09| 2-10-0

Transcription Notes:
Proofread 11-17 & 12/24 AW